
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


when crooks take advantage of traffic

In Dar’s crazy traffic one can be stranded for so many hours and at such times you just have to find something to keep you busy.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


We Desire Traffic Order, Not Traffic Intimidation

We Desire Traffic Order, Not Traffic Intimidation
THE decision by authorities in Dar es Salaam Region to relieve auction marts from the duty of overseeing traffic order in the city must have come as a relief to vehicle owners and motorists. Being such a big city with thousands of vehicles of all types and sizes, ...


5 years ago

The Verge

The FAA briefly halted air traffic in NYC area after an air traffic employee tested positive for COVID-19

The FAA briefly halted air traffic in NYC area after an air traffic employee tested positive for COVID-19  The Verge3 FAA ATC Towers Have Been Closed Due To Coronavirus  Simple FlyingCoronavirus: New York airports briefly halted all arriving flights - Business Insider  Business InsiderJFK air traffic control technician tests positive for coronavirus  FOX 5 NYDelays at JFK after flights at New York grounded as air traffic control worker tests positive for coronavirus  The SunView Full...


11 years ago


MUSINGS: When crooks raided my back yard

>The other day I was sitting at an open air pub and across the pub’s yard I could see vehicles as they drove to and from the city centre.


11 years ago


House team gears up to nail farming inputs crooks

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has ordered the office of Controller and Auditor General (CAG) to conduct a forensic audit on the release and expenditure of $574 million (Sh864 billion) meant for agricultural subsidies.


9 years ago


9 years ago


Mazembe seize advantage in final

TP Mazembe become favourites to claim a fifth African Champions League title after winning 2-1 at USM Alger in the first leg of the final.


9 years ago


Niger earn advantage over Somalia

Niger take command of their 2018 World Cup qualifier against Somalia by winning Friday's first leg 2-0.


10 years ago


Are pastors taking advantage of hopelessness?

Matthew Chapter 24:11 puts it very clear “...and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” Indeed, this has come to pass in our times. On November 2, KTN a television station in Kenya ran an exposé of a self-styled ‘doctor’ ‘prophet’ Victor Kanyari.


10 years ago


Letter from Africa: Taking advantage of a crisis

Will Ebola change Ghanaians' love of funerals and dead bodies?



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