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Who understands Ukraine? Certainly not the Western media

The Western press doesn’t understand Ukraine. That is clear after weeks of reporting the demonstrations.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Western powers’ hypocrisy in Ukraine is nothing new

When it comes to Ukraine the US and the EU are adopting a holier than thou attitude which, unfortunately, leads them not to worship at the altar of truth.


9 years ago


How western media covers, views Africa

One consistent thing about the ‘New York Times’ coverage of Africa the last one hundred years has been its paucity, its inadequacy, compared to other major regions of the world. By any standards, Africa has been the most ignored of the major regions of the world.


5 years ago

The African Exponent

Why Western Media Still Pictures Africa Negatively

Why Western Media Still Pictures Africa Negatively  The African Exponent


11 years ago


Become a media expert with certified courses from the Raida School of Journalism and Media Studies.

Contact us today: 0788 499 556, 0719 293 363, 0786 122 471,


5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix  Bandera County Courier


12 years ago


Western Sahara profile

An overview


11 years ago


Why Learning Western Education Is Not Sinful

Why Learning Western Education Is Not Sinful
Zanzibar — There is a general view among the people, including a section of Muslims that western education is not supposed to be taught among the faithful. They believe that it violates Islamic religious teachings and are therefore discouraging their children ...


10 years ago

The New Age Online

Burundians flee to western Tanzania

Business Insider
Burundians flee to western Tanzania
The New Age Online
More than 50 000 Burundians have fled to neighboring countries in recent weeks amid violent protests triggered by President Pierre Nkurunziza's plan to run for a third term. The Burundian refugees flocked to Kagunga in Tanzania to board the MV Liemba, ...
Fleeing Burundians flock to western Tanzania, camps overwhelmed -TRFNYahoo News UK

all 10


10 years ago


Mauritania adopts Western weekend

Mauritania adopts a Saturday-Sunday weekend, instead of the traditional Friday-Saturday, to make the most of the European business week.



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