
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why African polls have a method to their madness

Why African polls have a method to their madness
NTV Uganda (blog)
This past week, there were two elections in East Africa. There were the bigger and more headline-making presidential and parliamentary elections in Tanzania. And then there were the primary elections of Uganda's ruling National Resistance Movement, ...

NTV Uganda (blog)

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Stop this road carnage madness once and for all

Stop this road carnage madness once and for all
The nation is shocked at the escalating rate of accidents happening in our roads meant for vehicles to carry people and agricultural products among others. It seems a day hardly goes-by without dear lives of our fellow citizens having not been lost.
Iringa crash toll now 50; eight bodies identifiedDaily News
Death toll in Tanzania's road accident rises to 50Shanghai Daily (subscription)
42 killed in bus, truck collision in central...


11 years ago


A TEACHER'S DIARY: Caught up in quail madness

>Everyone remembers how last year, during the teachers’ strike, together with the laugh of my life, Lupita Fiolina, we started selling mandazi to the good people of Mwisho wa Lami. The business venture started off well, and we were able to constantly supply the “tea escort” to willing residents every morning.


11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Why Speaker must put an end to this madness

>In its yesterday’s edition, Mwananchi newspaper ran on its front-page, a story on alleged plans to block the budget for the Energy and Minerals ministry.


11 years ago

CNN (Blog)

Tanzania's Blood Ivory: “This is madness now”

Tanzania's Blood Ivory: “This is madness now”
CNN (blog)
That's the dire message from the president of Tanzania, who spoke to CNN's Christiane Amanpour about his country's battle against wildlife poaching. President Jakaya Kikwete joined Amanpour in London, where heads of state are meeting to find a solution ...
Tourism asset protection Tanzanian President bans the sale of ivory stockpileeTurboNews
Tanzania president says poaching boom threatens elephant populationReuters


11 years ago


Getting the right family planning method

>Jael Lieta, 28, first heard of family planning from a friend who advised her to go for it immediately after she had her first child, now aged 12.


9 years ago


New insecticide method '100% effective'

A new method of applying insecticide to nets has proved 100% effective against certain resistant mosquitoes, an international study reports.


10 years ago


The only way to end the madness of our world today is to bring back the Cold War

I never thought I would even dream this, but here I am even going beyond that and saying it: Please bring back the Cold War.


10 years ago

Daily News

NECTA enhances new exam grading method

Daily News
NECTA enhances new exam grading method
Daily News
HOPES of doing away with misconceptions about interpretation of exam results are high, compliments to the government's decision to adopt the use of the grade point average (GPA) over the total point grading system in calculating the average grade earned ...


11 years ago


Govt devices new corruption tracking method

Govt devices new corruption tracking method
Minister for State President's Office, Public Service told Parliament in Dodoma this week that the government has created Public Expenditure Tracking System (PETS) that will strengthen the fight against corruption, starting with grand corruption cases.



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