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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why Ebola has avoided East Africa so far, and others stories of disease

Just as the African story was beginning to sound interesting again, now that we were learning to forget the violence in Central African Republic and South Sudan, along comes Ebola and it spoils the party.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Ebola rumours hit tourism in East Africa

>The tourism industry is facing a crisis following reports of cancellations by visitors from overseas that have been triggered by a combination of factors, including the fear of the deadly Ebola fever outbreak, The Citizen has learnt. Yesterday, the East African Community (EAC) outlined measures to counter the deadly Ebola disease in the region. The fear of Ebola fever, especially in East Africa—where no case has been detected so far—is driven mainly by the fact that people in...


10 years ago


VIDEO: Living with Ebola: Your stories

BBC Africa shares photos, messages and videos sent in by users of the BBC Ebola Facebook community and WhatsApp information service.


10 years ago


EAC AT WORLD TRAVEL MARKET IN LONDON: East Africa is a Safe and Ebola Free Destination, EAC Tells WTM

The East African Community is show-casing the region’s tourism potential and marketing the five Partner States as a Single Tourist Destination at the ongoing World Travel Market in London, United Kingdom.
The five Partner States are being lead by Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers, Hon. Phyllis Kandie, who is also Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism, while Hon. Jesca Eriyo, the EAC Deputy Secretary General (Productive and Social Sectors)...


11 years ago

International Business Times UK

Five Africa Stories You Should Know About

International Business Times UK
Five Africa Stories You Should Know About
International Business Times UK
Police are looking for a man who killed eight people and injured three, Tanzania Citizen newspaper reported. The killings began on Saturday night and included a raid on a bar, but the gunman has also been attacking people he meets on the road.
Tanzania manhunt for serial killer in TarimeThe Standard Digital News

all 4


10 years ago


VIDEO: 'Ebola like no disease I've seen'

Dr Stacey Mearns has been keeping a video diary of her work helping people with Ebola in Sierra Leone. In part three she talks about some of her toughest challenges.


11 years ago


Ebola: Why is it this disease we fear?

Why does Ebola cause more concern than other diseases?


9 years ago


South Africa #FeesMustFall: Stories behind the protests

Stories behind South Africa's #FeesMustFall student protests


9 years ago


East Africa: Why All East Africans Are Looking Up to Magufuli

The Observer
East Africa: Why All East Africans Are Looking Up to Magufuli
In the club of East Africa's Presidents, Tanzania's new leader John Pombe Magufuli is a lonely man. His peers threw their weight behind his electoral opponent, and when he won, they refused to even acknowledge him with routine congratulations. In ...
What would Magufuli do to attain sustainable energy access in Africa?The Observer (blog)

all 5


10 years ago


Alex Kajumulo on the killer Ebola disease

 By Alex Kajumulo in USAThe media is talking about Ebola so much right now. Ebola has been in Africa since 1970. It has been killing just poor people before. The pharmacist didn't care about developing vaccinations. Because this disease was only killing Africa poor people. To develop a vaccine is expensive and the pharmacist didn't have enough market so they gave up. MALARIA kills 3,000 people everyday. Nobody talks about malaria because again, it only really affects poor people. If you have...



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