
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why Lebanon is in a frenzy over Clooney-Alamuddin engagement

Word that Beirut-born Amal Alamuddin has stolen the heart of Oscar-winning heartthrob George Clooney has caused a frenzy in Lebanon, where citizens are more used to bad news.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


George Clooney ends UN peace role

Actor George Clooney finishes his role as a United Nations Messenger of Peace after six years of campaigning about conflicts in countries like Sudan.


10 years ago


US firm in new TZ marketing frenzy

>Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TanTrade) in collaboration with Washington-based international legal firm, Squire Patton Boggs, yesterday announced a joint initiative to “Branding Tanzania.”


10 years ago


Turtles tracked on swimming frenzy

Small tags stuck to the undersides of baby loggerhead turtles are used to follow the animals' frenetic first hours in Cape Verde.


10 years ago


January book earns social media frenzy

>Four days after Fr Privatus Karugendo released his book on a conversation he made with the deputy Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Mr January Makamba, about his intention to vie for the presidency, there has been a lot of activity in the social media about the title.


9 years ago


CORPORATE SUFI : Most important engagement

In this day and age of Internet and telecommunications, our waking hours are consumed by engagements with clients, colleagues and friends. We consider them essential, and rightly so, as they help us to relate to the world around us.


9 years ago


Diaspora's engagement in the nation building second to none

Diaspora's engagement in the nation building second to none
Tanzania's development endeavours have won the country's recognition. This is so because the government has demonstrated unswerving commitment to bringing forces to the path of development. Indeed, numerous development mobilisations have brought ...


11 years ago


Top officials get rules of engagement

Watch out if you are a board chairperson or chief executive officer in a government institution. You will be shown the door if your team fails to deliver, according to acting Treasury Registrar Mhalale Mwakibinga.


11 years ago


Experts chart Dar engagement with Brics

Tanzania must fight corruption and increase accountability for the country to fully utilise the advantages of international development cooperation.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Employee engagement crucial for business success

Lebo pic

Vice President of Human Resources at DHL Express Sub Saharan Africa, Lebo Tseladimitlwa.

*Effective employee engagement policies and management can drive innovation

Employee engagement has emerged as a critical driver of business success in today’s competitive marketplace, with various studies showing the positive impact of employee engagement on company performance.  Research by Gallup, the American research-based, global performance-management consulting company, describes engaged...



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