
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why Tanzanian media must be wary of politicians

Last week I listened to the minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Asha-Rose Migiro ,as she responded to issues raised by MPs over her ministry’s 2014/15 budget.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Sitta cautioned to wary of politicians

>Constituent Assembly (CA) members representing fishermen, pastoralists and farmers have asked Assembly chairman Samuel Sitta to refrain from being used by a political class that is threatening to derail the ongoing process of writing a new Constitution.


10 years ago


Tanzanian politicians warned off witchcraft

Tanzanian politicians warned off witchcraft
Dar es Salaam - Tanzanian politicians were warned to steer clear of witchcraft ahead of elections later this year after the nation's parliament heard lawmakers could be involved in a wave of attacks on albinos whose body parts are prized in black magic.
Tanzanian politicians warned off witch craft ahead of electionDaily Mail

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9 years ago

The Nation Newspaper

Jonathan to Tanzanian politicians: concede defeat if you lose

The Nation Newspaper
Jonathan to Tanzanian politicians: concede defeat if you lose
The Nation Newspaper
Commonwealth election observer mission to Tanzania's Chairman and former President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday urged whoever loses Sunday's presidential election to concede defeat for the sake of the country's peace and unity. He said it was ...
Jonathan to Tanzania's Presidential Candidates - Learn From Me, Accept
PHOTOS: Jonathan Performs His Duties As An Election Observer In...


5 years ago


Tanzanian PM warns politicians against misleading statements on novel coronavirus

Tanzanian PM warns politicians against misleading statements on novel coronavirus


10 years ago

Daily Mail

Tanzanian politicians warned off witch craft ahead of election

Tanzanian politicians warned off witch craft ahead of election
Daily Mail
DAR ES SALAAM, June 1 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - T anzanian politicians were warned to steer clear of witchcraft ahead of elections later this year after the nation's parliament heard lawmakers could be involved in a wave of attacks on albinos whose ...


9 years ago


Tanzanian politicians skip conservation and tourism in election campaigns

Tanzanian politicians skip conservation and tourism in election campaigns
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - As Tanzania gears up to hold the general elections in October, journalists and green activists are courting politicians to embrace conservation issues and the future of tourism in their campaigns. “As a committed green ...


9 years ago

Daily Trust

Concede defeat if you lose, Jonathan tells Tanzanian politicians

Daily Trust
Concede defeat if you lose, Jonathan tells Tanzanian politicians
Daily Trust
The Chair of the Commonwealth election observer mission to Tanzania, former President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, at a media briefing at Dar- Es -Salaam in Tanzania. Former President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, has urged Tanzanian politicians in Sunday's ...
Observers assured of maximum cooperationDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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9 years ago


Tanzanian media: Missing in action at our own peril

Last week the African Media Initiative (AMI) launched Zimeo Excellence in Media Awards to encourage good journalism in the continent. Why Zimeo? This is a Kiswahili word for “war cry”.


10 years ago


Tanzanian Media praised for reports on UN activities

Tanzanian Media praised for reports on UN activities
Speaking in Zanzibar recently, Mr Rodriguez said journalists are good and trusted advocates on what the UN is doing in the country as well as major voices for the challenges and aspirations of Tanzanians. The UN Country Team was in Zanzibar to carry out ...
Media lauded for reporting UN activitiesDaily News

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