
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why we need not fast track our envisaged constitution

Why we need not fast track our envisaged constitution
Parliament sessions are over and the spotlight is back to the Constituent Assembly (CA). In fact discussion on the fate of the temporary legislative organ expected to midwife the important legal document will further gain momentum when the dust in Brazil ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


High-speed mobile puts Africa and India on fast track

How Africa and India are zooming into the fast lane


11 years ago


TPA seals deal to fast track cargo clearance in sea ports

Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) has signed a contract with Belgium-based Phaeros group to install a single window electronic system in Tanzania’s ports in order to fast track cargo clearance.


5 years ago

Live Science

Researchers fast-track coronavirus vaccine by skipping key animal testing first

Researchers fast-track coronavirus vaccine by skipping key animal testing first  Live ScienceHuman trials for a coronavirus vaccine could begin 'within a few weeks,' top US health official says  CNBCCOVID-19: Could accelerating testing for a vaccine just make everything worse?  Daily SabahCoronavirus vaccine poised to begin human trials  BGRModerna and the Coronavirus Vaccine Thesis  NanalyzeView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Fast-track East African Community aflatoxin law to end toxic menace

Fast-track East African Community aflatoxin law to end toxic menace  The Citizen Daily


10 years ago


Public urged to keep track on Constitution making process

Public urged to keep track on Constitution making process
The public has been called upon to follow up the ongoing Constitution making process and later on participate in the referendum to vote for the proposed mother law. Fredy Lyimo, a lawyer with the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) made the call ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Better weather forecasts envisaged

Better weather forecasts envisaged
Daily News
THE Director General of Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), Dr Agnes Kijazi, has touted the importance of specialisation to cover specific sectors of the economy among local weather experts. Dr Kijazi was speaking in Dar es Salaam during a one-day ...


5 years ago

ABC News

The race for a COVID-19 vaccine: Fast, but fast enough?

The race for a COVID-19 vaccine: Fast, but fast enough?  ABC NewsResearchers push against limits in vaccine race  Asia TimesCobb company to soon begin testing possible vaccines for COVID-19  11AliveRace for vaccine tests limits of drug innovation  Malay MailSpeed coronavirus vaccine testing by deliberately infecting volunteers? Not so fast, some scientists warn  Science MagazineView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


‘The bulldozer’ Magufuli and envisaged ruling party reforms

One thing over which Dr Magufuli opponents used to discredit him during nomination and eventually General Election campaigns was his poor connection with the party.


10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum
Sabahi Online
The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has called on the government to distribute copies of the draft constitution before it goes to a vote in the March referendum, Tanzania's Daily News reported Tuesday (December 30th).
Call for mass dtribution of recommended Katiba copiesDaily News
TCF Deputy Chairman, Hebron MwakagendaIPPmedia

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