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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why you prefer to sit at the counter

There’s this old buddy who, for some reason, believes he owes you a beer. He had called you today asking where you are. You told him. “Please stay there-there; I want to come and buy you beer,” he had said.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


Hunter-Gatherers Sit as Much as Us, But How They Sit Makes All The Difference

Hunter-Gatherers Sit as Much as Us, But How They Sit Makes All The Difference  ScienceAlertSquat, don't sit: The way we are sedentary could make a big difference to our health  CBC.caView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Why parents prefer English in schools

The research involved 1,381 respondents in Mainland TZ


10 years ago


Tanzania's Maasai prefer death to eviction
Tanzania's Maasai prefer death to eviction
It's a familiar story, starring African land and outsized corporate appetites. It begins in 1992, when the Tanzanian government licensed Ortelo Business Corporation (OBC) - owned by a senior official of the United Arab Emirates government - to organise ...
Maasai to Lose Ancestral Land to Trophy Hunting

all 2


10 years ago


Why mothers in Arusha prefer traditional clinics

Arusha. Thirty four per cent of expectant and lactating mothers living with HIV/AIDS in Arusha do not continue with the Prevention of Mothers To Child Treatment (PMTCT) programme, it has been reported.


11 years ago


Tanzanian borrowers prefer informal sector

Microfinance is a concept which has become very familiar throughout developing economies and has often been considered their salvation.


11 years ago


EA moves to counter terrorism

The East African Community (EAC) will soon start developing an action plan on the implementation of its Counter Terrorism Strategy adopted last April.


10 years ago


You’ve shunned the counter; oh, it’s bad!

You’re increasingly getting fed up with the counter at your local pub. Why, some readers must be asking, because they’ve known you as a diehard counter adherent for the many years this column has been in existence. You’re avoiding the noise.


9 years ago


I prefer three-tier govt, Lowassa assures Z’bar

Chadema presidential candidate Edward Lowassa said here yesterday that he would prefer a three-tier federal government that would enable Zanzibar to have its full autonomy.


10 years ago

Terrorism, Maritime Security And Natural ...

India, Tanzania to cooperate in counter

India, Tanzania to cooperate in counter-terrorism, maritime security and natural ...
Financial Express
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that India would extend its cooperation to Tanzania in various sectors, including counter-terrorism, natural gas and maritime security and added that New Delhi would shortly extend e-tourist visa scheme to the ...
India, Tanzania vow to fight terrorThe Hindu
India offers to help develop Tanzania's natural gas sectorLivemint
India, Tanzania join...



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