‘WikiLeaks’ Now Targets Poaching Elite in Tanzania
Dar es Salaam. Poachers slaughtering Africa’s elephants and rhinos with impunity are often shielded from police by powerful connections, but a group of conservationists has turned to the anonymity of tip-offs to try to stem the killing. The founders of WildLeaks – a sort of WikiLeaks for the environment – say it is the first secure, online whistle-blowing platform dedicated to wildlife and forest crime. While wildlife rangers face gun battles in national parks with poachers...
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen26 Aug
‘WikiLeaks’ targets poaching elite in Tanzania
10 years ago
Naharnet25 Aug
Wildlife 'WikiLeaks' Targets Africa Poaching Elite
Poachers slaughtering Africa's elephants and rhinos with impunity are often shielded from police by powerful connections, but a group of conservationists has turned to the anonymity of tip-offs to try to stem the killing. The founders of WildLeaks -- a sort of ...
10 years ago
The Asian Age28 Aug
WildLeaks targets poaching elite in Tanzania
The Asian Age
Poachers slaughtering Africa's elephants and rhinos with impunity are often shielded from the police by powerful connections, but a group of conservationists has turned to the anonymity of tip-offs to try to stem the killing. The founders of WildLeaks — a sort of ...
Wildleaks: A Whistlebower Platform For Poaching And Wildlife CrimesViewsTimes.Com
Whistle-blowing website WildLeaks targets powerful poaching networksTreehugger
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com30 Nov
Tanzania: Germans Boost Tanzania's Anti-Poaching Push
Arusha — The German government has donated two aircraft to the government for reinforcing the fight against poaching activities in protected areas. German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier last week handed over a symbolic key for two Husky ...
Germany donates Husky aircraft to Tanzania to fight poachingdefenceWeb
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10 years ago
Daily News24 May
Tanzania on track to achieve UPE targets
Daily News
TANZANIA is one among 16 countries south of sub-Sahara Africa likely to achieve 70 to 90 per cent of Universal Primary Education (UPE) attainments by the end of this year. countries are Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Djibouti, DRC, Gambia, Lesotho, ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen21 Aug
Chinese bus maker targets Tanzania
9 years ago
Dewji Blog17 Sep
hellofood Tanzania targets the middle class
According to ‘Deloitte on Africa’, 5.5 million Tanzanians fall under the category of middle class. They spend between $2-$20 (Tshs 2,000-40,000) a day, with more than 40% of household income being spent on food.
hellofood, the leading food market place in Africa, has partnered with local restaurants in Dares Salaam that sell food at reasonable prices to cater for the middle class. The local restaurants in partnership with hellofood include Mtwana, Just eat restaurant, Rose Garden, Whatsaap...
10 years ago
BBCSwahili05 Jul
Wikileaks:Marekani iliichunguza Brazil
11 years ago
HumanIPO17 Feb
Sterio.me targets Nigeria, Tanzania, Lesotho launches
Learning platform Sterio.me is targeting launches in Nigeria, Tanzania and Lesotho this year, despite experiencing setbacks in getting the project off the ground in Zimbabwe. The startup – which engages young, rural African learners through a simple, ...
Mobile elearning startup Sterio.me seeks partners as it launches in NigeriaVentureburn
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