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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Women still have a long way to go in quest for equality

In Sudan, a woman named Miriam Ibrahim has been sentenced to death for marrying a Christian man.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Promoting gender equality, women empowerment

Promoting gender equality and empowering women has been an international outcry that the United Nations summit of September 2000 decided to give priority to as the third Millennium Development Goal (MDG3).


9 years ago

The Guardian

Women's places: the fight for gender equality in tourism

The Guardian
Women's places: the fight for gender equality in tourism
The Guardian
On the slopes of Mount Meru in northern Tanzania, Fatima Faraji welcomes guests to her 20-acre coffee plantation, where she harvests only the fullest cherry-red arabica berries. Hand-picked by a team of experienced women, the coffee is pulped and ...


10 years ago


Struggles for gender equality, women's economic liberation gather pace in ...

Struggles for gender equality, women's economic liberation gather pace in ...
The main goal of the campaign is to influence women to enhance their financial well-being through proper financial management, sound investment including agriculture and proper use of financial tools and services available. Although the battle against all ...
New Constitution Set to Speed Up Popular Political

all 2


10 years ago


World Leaders Commit to Intensify Efforts to Realize Women's Health, Rights, Equality

UNITED NATIONS, New York, 22 September 2014—More than 140 presidents, heads of government, ministers and high officials from around the world today reaffirmed their countries’ strong political support to the historic International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
During the ICPD, held in Cairo in 1994, 179 governments agreed on a 20-year Programme of Action that included a bold new vision of the relationships between population, development and individual well-being. It...


11 years ago

Atlanta Journal Constitution

For women in technology, a little support goes a long way

For women in technology, a little support goes a long way
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Billye Boddie is a member of Women in Technology at Gwinnett Tech. She attends evening classes, studying to be a Networking Specialist. photo by Leita Cowart. EDU Atlanta June 2014 · EDU Atlanta ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

New report from UN Women unveils far-reaching alternative policy agenda to transform economies and make gender equality a reality



“Progress of the World’s Women 2015-2016: Transforming Economies, Realizing Rights” launches in seven cities

A major report from UN Women, released today in seven locations globally, brings together human rights and economic policymaking to call for far-reaching changes to the global policy agenda that will transform economies and make women’s rights, and equality, a reality. It takes an in-depth look at what the economy would look like if it truly worked for women, for the benefit of...


11 years ago


Obama and Africa’s quest for progress

>Forty seven African leaders are looking forward to meet the US President Barack Obama later in August.


10 years ago


Quest for peace in October elections

Vice-President Mohamed Gharib Bilal yesterday called on Muslims to promote peace, especially now that the country is gearing up for the General Election. Peace and tranquility are critical at a time when the country is in the process of electing leaders, including the President and Members of Parliament, he added, and Tanzanians should not be put in a position where they have to seek refuge in other countries.


11 years ago


VIDEO: Kenya first lady in marathon quest

Kenya's Margaret Kenyatta prepares to run London Marathon



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