
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


`Women, youth groups must seek local opportunities`

`Women, youth groups must seek local opportunities`
Women, youth and other groups have been urged to explore and venture into investment opportunities available in local administrative areas as a rapid measure for their personal development and contribution to efforts geared towards poverty eradication.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Why youth join terror groups

Why youth join terror groups
Local politicians, clergy and academicians have expressed mixed opinions over major motives behind worldwide terrorism and the ongoing trend of the local youth recruitment in terror groups, not completely ruling out religious doctrine as source of the ...


9 years ago


NEEC appeals to grassroots groups to register with local authorities

NEEC appeals to grassroots groups to register with local authorities
The National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) has appealed to grassroots groups to register with local authorities in order to be recognised by the government. Opening a meeting of stakeholders who were discussing a draft manual devoted to ...


10 years ago


Local authorities seek autonomy in revenue

>The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (Alat) wants to be given more autonomy that will enable local councils countrywide to collect more revenue.


10 years ago

Daily News

Muslim youth implored to refrain from terrorist groups

Muslim youth implored to refrain from terrorist groups
Daily News
THE director of the World Islamic Propagation and Humanitarian Services (WIPAHS), Sheikh Haji Sahib has urged Muslim youth to stop supporting incidents of terrorism in the society because it was against Islamic religion. Sheikh Sahib made the call on ...


10 years ago


NHC hands over more brick machines to groups of youth

NHC hands over more brick machines to groups of youth
As part of its ongoing initiative to increase youth employment, the National Housing Corporation (NHC) has donated another 32 brick making machines to district councils in Kagera Region. Speaking during the hand over event recently in the region, NHC ...


11 years ago


There’s compelling need for expanding agricultural opportunities for the youth

As we ponder the 2014/2015 budget reading, we need to zoom the readiness of Uganda to practically tackle the problem of youth unemployment/underemployment and general productivity constraints through the national budget in line with Vision 2040.


10 years ago


Dr Mengi calls on youth to identify opportunities

Dr Mengi calls on youth to identify opportunities
IPP Executive Chairman Dr Reginald Mengi has challenged the youth to be inventive and have the ability to identify development opportunities and address challenges. He threw the challenge when awarding six winners of his 3Ns ('Nitabuni, Nitatekeleza, ...


9 years ago


Why patients lose trust in hospitals, seek local herbs

Ms Elimina Olomi, 30, seems to be fed-up with taking medications that she was offered a month ago at one public hospital in Dar es Salaam, and, she wants to make a resolution. However, her decision raises concerns.


10 years ago

Daily News

Iddi urges youth to avoid religious extremist groups

Iddi urges youth to avoid religious extremist groups
Daily News
ZANZIBAR'S Second -Vice President, Amb. Seif Ali Iddi, has called on Muslim youth against following teachings that drive them to be violent. “There are some clerics who claim to be good preachers of Islamic religion, yet they are for their own interests,” Mr ...



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