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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Women’s word to NEC

Women aspirants for parliamentary and civic seats yesterday urged the National Electoral Committee (NEC) to seal all loopholes that create fear of vote rigging during the October 25th General Election. They made the call at a two-day training conducted by Legal and Human Rights Center (LHRC).


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The Guardian

'Vagina is not a rude word': the scientist fighting to empower women, one word at a time

'Vagina is not a rude word': the scientist fighting to empower women, one word at a time  The Guardian


10 years ago

Daily News

NEC word on Katiba vote awaited

NEC word on Katiba vote awaited
Daily News
REGISTRATION of voters for referendum on the Proposed Constitution and the October general elections is set to resume countrywide soon, the Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, said on Wednesday. The premier said the government has already disbursed ...


9 years ago


Devise system to make women vote easily, NEC advised.

Devise system to make women vote easily, NEC advised.
The Legal and Human Right Centre (LHRC) has proposed that the National Electoral Commission should devise a system that would allow women to vote easily during the General Election as a way of encouraging many to take part. The centre's Programme ...


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The greatest challenge of my latest trip to Zanzibar, was balancing my enthusiasm for exploring the island and meeting new people, with my need to protect my safety. Though I come from East Africa, and had traveled to Zanzibar briefly a few times previously, ...
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>There is a popular saying  that ‘the sky is the limit.’ This is what we can do with our imagination – reach the stars and beyond. When Muthoni Garland, the founder of Storymoja Festival in Nairobi started the event six years ago, she had no idea that it would grow to attract more than 7,000 people from East Africa and beyond.



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