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Yale University program for high school students in Africa.

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From: Tim Kennedy [] Sent: Thursday,...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


McAuley High School students give to Tanzanian students - WCSH

McAuley High School students give to Tanzanian students
The students filled a 40-foot shipping container full items to help Tanzanian students get an education. Loading… Post to Facebook. McAuley High School students give to Tanzanian students The students filled a 40-foot shipping container full items to ...
McAuley students and staff send supplies to TanzaniaWMTW Portland

all 2


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Clever Inventions By Indian High School Students

What is your most important achievement till date? These child prodigies have a set of patents to their names before they got past high school, meet the real future of India.

1.Oxygen, carbon dioxide level indicator in the car.

S R Valva, Tamil Nadu, Patent:- 5089/CHE/2013

The idea struck him after reading and hearing the news about accidental deaths in cars due to suffocation. This brilliant student developed a system to detect the level of Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide inside the car and...


10 years ago


inauguration of a new degree program, Master of Science (Applied Economics and Business) at mzumbe university, Morogoro, in collaboration with CMR University of Bangalore, India

 The Acting Vice Chancellor, Mzumbe University, Prof. Josephat Itika (right) presenting a souvenir to a the High Commissioner of India to Tanzania, Mr. Debnath Shaw during the inauguration of a new degree program, Master of Science (Applied Economics and Business) over the weekend in Dar es Salaam.  The new course to be run in collaboration with CMR University of Bangalore, India starts this month at Mzumbe’s Dar es Salaam campus college.  Looking on is the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Finance...


10 years ago

Luton Today

Lealands High School digs deep for Africa

Luton Today
Lealands High School digs deep for Africa
Luton Today
Tanzanian teacher Edward Ntungi made a flying visit to Luton to accept a donation from Lealands High School pupils who'd held two fundraisers to improve facilities at his school, Sazira Secondary. Mr Ntungi's first visit last September struck a chord with ...


9 years ago

ABC Online

Revisiting the School of St Jude, the Tanzanian high school Australians helped ...

ABC Online
Revisiting the School of St Jude, the Tanzanian high school Australians helped ...
ABC Online
As a journalist, it is not often you get to see a tangible example of the effect your work can have. Sometimes you hope that a particular story will achieve something — expose an injustice or bring about much-needed change, but most of the time, the ...


10 years ago


18 Tanzanian Students to Participate in Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program

United States Ambassador Mark Childress met with eighteen secondary school students and four coordinators of The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program in Tanzania. The students (15-17 years of age) from Zanzibar and the mainland have been selected to live and study in the United States for up to a full academic year under the YES program.
Among these students 11 are from Zanzibar and 7 from three regions in Mainland Tanzania, including Kilimanjaro, Tanga and Coastal regions. ...


9 years ago


University students to be locked out of elections

The perpetual problem of higher education students failing to vote in general elections is likely to recur this year, affecting nearly 200,000 young men and women. News that public universities will not re-open until after the General Election on October 25 is likely to deal a blow to the campaign teams banking on the youth to carry the day in the polls.


10 years ago


Students press for equality in the issuing of university loans

Students of Teofilo Kisanji University (Teku), Mbeya Campus, have asked the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) to eliminate classes when issuing loans to students by giving equal opportunity to all students.


5 years ago



Mnazi Mmoja primary pupils seen drinking water from a water dispenser constructed by Lions Club of Dar es Salaam - Mzizima through their school water program. On the right is technician Mr. Bakari and the water program coordinator, Mr Akash Chudasama. ALL PHOTO/DOTTO MWAIBALE.

· The Club adheres to SDG 6 by saving out 40,000 Dar students

· Constructed boreholes in 21 primary and secondary schools in the region

· Schools have turned premises into beautiful gardens to fight...



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