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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Yes, Tanzanians must nurture peace, love

The Land of Peace, Love and Harmony is one of Tanzania’s informal names.With the passage of time, those ingredients of happiness have been eroded, rendering the triumvirate hollow. It is no wonder that the trend constituted a major theme of Easter services on Sunday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


AU asks Tanzanians to keep example on peace

The African Union (AU) expects Tanzanians to stand by their principles and the example they have been showing to the continent as superstars of peace as they choose their leaders in today’s polls, former Mozambican President Armando Guebuza said yesterday.


11 years ago


Pengo calls for love, unity and solidarity among Tanzanians

 The Archbishop of Dar es Salaam Polycarp Cardinal Pengo yesterday celebrated 30 years since he was consecrated bishop and insisted on love, unity and solidarity among Tanzanians of all faiths.


10 years ago


We want peace, quality education: Tanzanians

2014 has come to an end and we’re now in 2015. It is another year which brings with it hope and expectations.


11 years ago

Tanzanians Urged

Preserve prevailing peace, love

Preserve prevailing peace, love - Tanzanians urged
Daily News
TANZANIANS have been urged to maintain the prevailing peace and love among all people for the benefit of the nation. Also, they have been called upon to unite and pray together so that the nation can get a good constitution. Bukoba Catholic Diocesan ...


9 years ago


Uphold Existing Peace, Tanzanians Urged

Uphold Existing Peace, Tanzanians Urged
Muheza — FORMER President Benjamin Mkapa has urged Tanzanians to uphold existing peace and tranquility especially at this time when the country is nearing general election scheduled for next Sunday. Talking to residents of Muheza District in Tanga ...


9 years ago


Embrace peace, love and unity this X-mas

Christians around the world today mark Christmas Day – an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. This is one of the world’s biggest religious and cultural celebrations. It is a public holiday in many parts of the world, and is celebrated culturally by a large number of non-Christian people too. Christmas is an integral part of the end of the year holiday season.


11 years ago

Daily News

Dr Shein calls for peace, love in Zanzibar

Dr Shein calls for peace, love in Zanzibar
Daily News
MUSLIMS and non-Muslims in Zanzibar have been urged to coexist and love each other. The call was made here on Monday night during the celebrations of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s birthday. The celebrations marked at Mnazi-Mmoja ...


10 years ago


Tanzanians urged to live harmoniously, preserve peace.

Tanzanians urged to live harmoniously, preserve peace.
Easter Sunday is celebrated every year all over the world within the weeks of the end of the month of March and early April. � It is the holiest season in the Christian calendar. Easter is remembered and celebrated by almost all Christian across the world ...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Tanzanians urged to observe peace towards General Elections

Ms Martha Nghambi, the Country Director for Global Peace Foundation Tanzania (GPFTZ), addressing a press conference in Dar es Salaam during the official launch of the peaceful awareness national campaign named “Amani Kwanza” on Monday, August 31, 2015. On the right is Reverend Thomas Ngoda, Director for the Inter Religious Council for Peace in Tanzania (IRCPT) and left is GPFTZ Administration Officer, Ms Hilda Ngaja.


Director for the Inter Religious Council for Peace in Tanzania...



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