
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


You’ll vote and go home, orders IGP

Inspector of General of Police (IGP) Ernest Mangu yesterday gave the order that on Sunday, voters will be obliged to immediately leave the polling stations soon after casting their ballots to avert any possible breach of peace.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


CA Standing Orders altered, members to vote in absentia

CA Standing Orders altered, members to vote in absentia
The Constituent Assembly (CA) yesterday resolved to amend some Standing Orders of the CA to allow absentee members to vote on the final draft of the constitution wherever they are in attempt to reach the required quorum. The altered Standing Orders will ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Ministry orders closure of orphans' home

Ministry orders closure of orphans' home
Daily News
THE authorities in Zanzibar have ordered closure of an orphanage in Tomondo area for being in poor condition, ordering its operator to comply with the order. This follows inspection of some children's homes on the outskirts of Zanzibar town by the House of ...


5 years ago

The Verge

Twitter orders all employees worldwide to work from home

Twitter orders all employees worldwide to work from home  The VergeTwitter makes working from home mandatory for employees around the world in response to COVID-19  TechCrunchTwitter is forcing its 4,900 employees to work from home  CNBCTwitter makes working from home mandatory for employees globally  The Straits TimesOffice workers work remotely to prevent spread of COVID-19  CBC News: The NationalView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Verge

Best Buy moves to curbside pickup only as orders for home office equipment surge

Best Buy moves to curbside pickup only as orders for home office equipment surge  The VergeBest Buy adds doorstep delivery, offers curbside pickup as part of coronavirus changes  CNETBest Buy closing all retail stores, shifting to curbside pickup and delivery due to COVID-19  9to5MacBest Buy shifts stores to curbside pickup only as demand surges for home office equipment  CNBCBest Buy closing stores, switching to curbside service due to coronavirus  Bring Me The NewsView Full coverage on...


5 years ago


Strict restrictions, stay-at-home orders and shutdowns are slowing down spread of coronavirus, finds new...

Strict restrictions, stay-at-home orders and shutdowns are slowing down spread of coronavirus, finds new...  FirstpostNew Data Shows Social Distancing, Stay-At-Home Orders May Be Factor In Slowing Spread Of Virus | NBC  NBC NewsUS Social Distancing Measures Slowing Down COVID-19 Infections - Medical Tech Firm  Sputnik InternationalRestrictions Are Slowing Coronavirus Infections, New Data Suggest  The New York TimesSocial distancing is helping to reduce number of coronavirus cases, suggests...


5 years ago

The Verge

Google uses location data to show which places are complying with stay-at-home orders — and which aren’t

Google uses location data to show which places are complying with stay-at-home orders — and which aren’t  The VergeNew Google site shows where people in a community are taking social distancing seriously — and where they're not  CNBCGoogle data shines light on whether coronavirus lockdowns worldwide are working  ReutersGoogle to publish user location data to help govts tackle virus  Tech XploreGoogle location data shows drop in footfall at busy places since coronavirus crisis began  RTÉ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

2015 MISA’s ‘Women to Watch’: Nominate Hoyce Temu, Vote Tanzania… Vote now


Former Miss Tanzania 1999, Hoyce Temu on field during the recording of her  TV talk show.

She also has her own talk show, Mimi na Tanzania (Me and Tanzania), which focuses on CSRs, fundraising, and supporting women and children through the promotion of human rights, gender equality, and access to healthcare and education.

Please nominate her on this category: “Journalists, reporters, presenters who stand out in their field”

International Women’s Day just around the corner, MISA’s is looking...


9 years ago


CROSS ROADS : Vote and vote right for our collective destiny!

Name calling and telling damn lies now seems to be the order of the day in our politics. Thanks to this trend – that is systematically proving that ours is a dirty politics – some voters are very discouraged.



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