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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Youth science group urges govt to increase school funding

Youth science group urges govt to increase school funding
Young Scientists Tanzania director Dr Kamugisha Gozibert speaks to journalists about scientific research competition which will involve 300 teachers and students. (Photo: Halima Kambi). To improve science laboratories and equip students with the required ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Government urged to increase investment in science subjects

Government urged to increase investment in science subjects
The government has been urged to allocate more resources that to empower and encourage secondary school students to be innovative and creative in sciences subjects. Co- Founder and Executive Director of Young Scientists Tanzania (YST) Dr Gozbert ...
Mzumbe secondary students scoop 'scientist award'Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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10 years ago

Charitable ...

Charity Commission urges charities to be vigilant when funding non

Third Sector
Charity Commission urges charities to be vigilant when funding non-charitable ...
Third Sector
The Charity Commission has issued a statement calling on charities to exercise "greater vigilance" when they consider funding non-charitable bodies. A statement published on the regulator's website yesterday says that charity trustees must ensure that funds ...
Charities that funded Cage, one time supporter of IS's Emwazi, under pressureZawya (registration)

all 23


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

World Bank Group to Nearly Double Funding in Ebola Crisis to $400 Million


World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.

Significant new assistance planned for hardest-hit countries

Following alarming evidence of the spread of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the World Bank Group today announced that it will nearly double its financing to $400 million to help the worst-affected countries address the emergency and build stronger health systems for the years ahead

This represents $170 million in new funding. With today’s announcement, the Bank will put $230 million...


11 years ago


Tanzania: Increase Access to Secondary School

Human Rights Watch
Tanzania: Increase Access to Secondary School
Any views expressed in this article are those of the author and not of Thomson Reuters Foundation. Tweet Widget Facebook Like Email The Tanzanian government should allow children access to secondary school regardless of their final primary school ...
Letter by HRW and TCRF to Tanzania Minister of EducationHuman Rights Watch

all 3


9 years ago


Increase number of primary school years

Increase number of primary school years
Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) yesterday launched its General Election campaigns, pledging to place leadership ethics first and to re-do the constitution review. Should it be voted into power, the party also plans to increase the ...
ACT-Wazalendo say will form National Unity GovernmentDaily News

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10 years ago


Why govt is unable to increase health budget

Dar es Salaam. The government has blamed revenue shortfalls for its failure to allocate 15 per cent of the national budget to the health sector.


10 years ago


Govt probing increase in tuskless elephants

Govt probing increase in tuskless elephants
Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Mahmoud Hassan Mgimwa has said the government is set to carry-out extensive research, which is geared to find reasons behind the increasing number of tusk-less elephants in the country's national ...
Govt shocked over increased tuskless elephantsDaily News

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9 years ago


Govt travel allowances increase by up to 50pc

The government has raised civil servants’ travel allowances by up to 50 per cent after seven years of lobbying by trade unions.


11 years ago


ORDER: JK wants science lab at each school

>President Jakaya Kikwete has directed regional and district leaders to work with school managements and parents to ensure that come this November, every secondary school in their areas have a science laboratory.



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