
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Zanzibar vows to ensure safety of tourists

Daily News
Zanzibar vows to ensure safety of tourists
Daily News
AS Zanzibar enhances community policing, law enforcement operations and the use of Integrated Mobile Electronic System (CCTV), the Isles recorded about 209 criminal acts in the tourism sector in the 2011/12 financial year. “Our economy depends on ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Ensure safety in buses

There are many buses on our roads that are certainly unfit for ferrying humans. Regulations demand that passengers should b provided with basic comfort while being transported to their destinations, but operators don’t seem to care.


11 years ago

Daily News

Hotels must ensure swimmers' safety is guaranteed

Hotels must ensure swimmers' safety is guaranteed
Daily News
ON Monday the local media carried a story about a 27-year-old lady who drowned in a swimming pool at a famous hotel at Mbezi Beach in Dar es Salaam on Saturday while swimming with friends. Yesterday there was another story, this time around about ...


5 years ago

The Guardian

Ocado buys 100,000 Covid-19 test kits to ensure 'safety for all'

Ocado buys 100,000 Covid-19 test kits to ensure 'safety for all'  The Guardian


10 years ago

Daily News

Zanzibar set to attract more tourists, says Shein

Zanzibar set to attract more tourists, says Shein
Daily News
ZANZIBAR is set to attract more tourists following increased advertisement of the islands globally, President Ali Mohamed Shein said while in Germany. Dr Shein added that the government has been working hard to promote Zanzibar as the best tourist ...


11 years ago


Zanzibar bombing raises questions over safety

Zanzibar bombing raises questions over safety
A police spokesman claimed no-one was hurt in the blasts, which struck on Monday afternoon. However, one tour operator on the island, who asked not to be named, told Reuters that at least one person had been injured. The explosions are the latest ...
Bomb explodes at church in ZanzibarCatholic Culture
Four people injured in Zanzibar blastsIPPmedia
Bomb blasts at Zanzibar cathedral and tourist barAFP
Chicago Tribune
all 37


10 years ago


From Americas tourists with love US tourists support poor children in northern ...

From Americas tourists with love US tourists support poor children in northern ...
Global leaders in tourism are meeting in South Africa to discuss the legacies of the world's three great champions of Peace and Non-Violent Resistance, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Junior, with the aim of affirming these legacies ...


9 years ago


CUF Vows to Transform Zanzibar

CUF Vows to Transform Zanzibar
Zanzibar — The Civic United Front (CUF) Isles presidential candidate, Mr Seif Sharif Hamad, has said that he has workable plans to transform Zanzibar into a vibrant economic and business centre if elected to become the eighth president of the archipelago.


10 years ago

Daily News

Zanzibar vows to recover stolen archives

Zanzibar vows to recover stolen archives
Daily News
THE Zanzibar government has vowed to spare no efforts in recovering stolen archives, appealing to anybody with information which can lead to getting them back. Minister of State in the Second Vice-President's Office, Mr Mohammed Aboud Mohammed, said ...


9 years ago


Dr Shein vows to uphold Union as CCM launches campaign in Zanzibar

Daily News | The National Newspaper
Dr Shein vows to uphold Union as CCM launches campaign in Zanzibar
CCM launched its presidential campaigns for the forthcoming General Election here yesterday with incumbent President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein vowing to protect the Union, which he said has benefited Tanzanians in many ways. The CCM candidate, who is ...
Shein keen on fast Isles progressDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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