
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Z’bar clove exports decline by Sh52bn, says BoT report

>The export value of Zanzibar’s main crop, cloves, declined from $59 million (Sh118 billion) to $33 million (Sh66 billion) between February 15 last year and February 15 this year, according to a Bank of Tanzania report of March this year. Under the report, the decline in clove export value is at 44.8 per cent in one year, which is attributed by the fall in its output from 53,000 tonnes to 22,000 tonnes.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Zanzibar exports increase as Mainland’s decline, says BoT

While Tanzania mainland continues to record a decline in exports, Zanzibar’s have continued to grow.


11 years ago


Tanzania exports down on decline of gold, says report

 Exports declined by 1.4 per cent in the year ending February this year, the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) has said.


10 years ago


Manufacturing exports overtake gold, says BoT

>The fall in global prices for gold is creating new dimensions in the measurement of most important sectors of Tanzania’s economy with manufacturing ranking high on the seesaw.


11 years ago


BoT report shows gold gains dip 15pc

Revenue gained from gold sales last year has nose-dived by 14.8 per cent from $2,232.3 million in 2011/12 to $1,901.2 million at the end of December last year, shows the economic report for the Lake Zone.


11 years ago


We’ve paid teachers over Sh52bn, says Kawambwa

The government has paid Sh52 billion it owed teachers as of November 2011, the minister for Education and Vocational Training Shukuru Kawambwa told journalists here yesterday.


11 years ago

Daily News

'Clove smuggling still a problem'

'Clove smuggling still a problem'
Daily News
DESPITE improved security surveillance in the past three-years, clove smuggling remains a big challenge in the islands, members of the Zanzibar House of Representatives were informed. “Clove smuggling is still a problem. We have to work together to ...


9 years ago


CUF to Liberalise Clove Trade

CUF to Liberalise Clove Trade
Zanzibar — Zanzibar farmers should expect liberalisation of the clove trade if the Civic United Front (CUF) presidential candidate Seif Sharif Hamad is elected. "I'll ensure farmers are free to sell their produce, including cloves, anywhere in the ...


10 years ago


In pictures: Zanzibar's clove harvest

Harvesting the cloves that spice up Christmas


11 years ago


Liberalise Zanzibar’s clove trade should

Clove smuggling which went down sharply when Zanzibar formed a Government of National Unity (GNU) four years ago is back at high level. Dhow traders, especially in the island of Pemba, continue to transport the crop to Tanga and Mombasa.



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