
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Zuma urges Bishop Tutu to stay out of politics

>Tuesday. South African President Jacob Zuma hit back at Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu on Monday for his criticism of the ruling African National Congress, two days before general polls.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Bishop urges youth to cultivate the culture of saving

Bishop urges youth to cultivate the culture of saving
Tanzanians have celebrated the New Year 2016 with calm as the Auxiliary Bishop of Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam Rt. Rev Titus Mdoe stresses on youth to open up their savings accounts in various banks. He said youth must ensure they use the savings to ...


10 years ago


Bishop Urges Youth to Vote in Coming Elections

Bishop Urges Youth to Vote in Coming Elections
Mpanda — Bishop Gervas Nyaisonga of the Catholic Diocese of Mpanda, Tanzania has called on youth in the country to participate in the coming General Elections. "Go and register as voters and know that your vote will make a difference by voting for good ...


9 years ago


Stay out of politics, Lowassa tells police

Ukawa presidential candidate Edward Lowassa yesterday told police to stay away from politics ahead of the October General Election, saying their unnecessary intervention was inciting violence.


11 years ago


Remain neutral, sitta, and stay above bent politics

On Wednesday, the Constituent Assembly elected Mr Samuel Sitta the chairman. This victory for former Speaker of the National Assembly, who managed Parliament well between 2006 and 2010, confirms that much as his party pushed him aside in favour of another as Speaker for the Tenth Parliament, lawmakers—almost to a man—still have faith in him.


9 years ago


Shun dirty politics, aspirant urges colleagues

Shun dirty politics, aspirant urges colleagues
The Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party aspirant for the Ntyuka ward, Theobart Maina has challenged fellow politicians to shun dirty politics during the campaigns, saying the public want to hear nothing but development agendas. Speaking at one of his ...


10 years ago


Stay away and stay safe, Dodoma visitors warned

>Two different sets of warnings were issued in Dodoma yesterday – by the Police Force and CCM.While Regional Police Commander David Misime asked visitors who have nothing important to do in Dodoma this week to stay away, CCM told off aspirants who have issued threats should they be axed during the nomination process that started here yesterday.


9 years ago


POLITICS : Nyerere took us from one party to multiparty politics

A little more than 16 years have passed like so much water under the bridge since the founder of Tanzanian nationalism and iconic Satte President, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1922-99), perforce went to his maker on Octobeer 14, 1999 – leaving Tanzanians distressed, forlorn and near-distraught.


10 years ago


Tutu out of hospital 'in days'

The family of Archbishop Desmond Tutu expects him to be home "in a day or two" after his admission to hospital, his daughter says.


10 years ago


Desmond Tutu alazwa hospitalini

Askofu mstaafu Desmond Tutu amelazwa katika hospitali moja mjini Cape Town Afrika Kusini.



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