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4 Tips to Make Your Backyard More Inviting

4 Tips to Make Your Backyard More Inviting  The African Exponent

The African Exponent

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Home Tips That’ll Make Your Life Easier

We usually spend too much time just trying to streamline our lives, making daily living a bit easier, a bit quicker. There are thousands of ways to make your daily lives easier. Here are 22 solutions you may not (or may) have thought of, that will make daily life just a bit simpler!


Instead of contacts – Pills!

Instead of carrying around bottles or packages, put your (non-prescription) pills in a contact lens box. This way you don’t have to carry around those cumbersome and often noisy...


11 years ago


Farming not inviting enough

With local and foreign investment concentrated in urban areas, hundreds of thousands of young Tanzanians leave their rural homes annually to seek employment in towns.


9 years ago


Video: R. Kelly — Backyard Party

Mashabiki wa mziki wa R. KELLY amewaletea video yake mpya wimbo unaitwa “Backyard Party” Jiunge na sasa Usipitwe!! Jiunge nasi kupitia Facebook, Twitter na Instagram ili kupata habari zote za town! Usikose kujiunga na Youtube kuangalia video zote kali kutoka Bongo5!


10 years ago



Africanjam is website that came into service December 2013(with another domain) and on April 2014 the new domain Africanjam(dot)com came into use. It was found by John Kapela who is currently in Dar es Salaam Tanzania. This site provides news from Africa and all over the world in Politics, Sports, Entertainment as well as Technology tips and some Amazing Facts. We also provide Football updates from all over the world. Visit this site everyday for being in touch with everything happening in...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Tips To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Hello rains! And,  well … hello mosquitoes. Yes, it’s that time of the year – dreadful bites that give you a dengue or malaria scare. But, fret not. This list of nature-friendly tricks should help you drive those mosquitoes (and other insects) away.

Camphor and water

Two tablets of camphor in about a quarter cup of water will do the magic. But, if you want instant results, add in another tablet or two and some warm water.

Lemon and cloves

Mosquitoes detest the smell of cloves and all things...


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Microwave Tips You May Not Have Known.!

One of the most used tool of the house, we often forget how remarkable an invention the microwave is. And although it’s easy to operate, it has many functions and shortcuts that we don’t know about, as most of us just press the on button, put in the time and walk away.

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To be continued


10 years ago


Fashion tips of all time

Take some time and organise your wardrobe well. Put your clothes going light to dark from left to right in your closet; your eye will follow the colour and thus help you spend less time for dressing.


10 years ago



                 Ladies, Do you want to be a good wife? Just read this and put into practice.
1). Never be a wasteful wife, your husband’s sweat is too precious to be wasted. 
2).  Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, let him handle what is directed           to him.
3). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is                         unacceptable.

4). Never compare your husband to other men, you’ve no idea what their life is all about....


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Here are tips for a successful marriage from A-Z.


A = Acceptance is a key. We all have things about our partner that we would like to see different. They have those same feelings about us. A key to a healthy relationship is to accept those differences and not try to change another person.

B = Give your partner the Benefit of the doubt. Look for the positives in what they are doing rather than the negative in their behavior.

C = Commitment to each other and to the relationship. In healthy relationships, there is that intrinsic belief that,...



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