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Tips To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Hello rains! And,  well … hello mosquitoes. Yes, it’s that time of the year – dreadful bites that give you a dengue or malaria scare. But, fret not. This list of nature-friendly tricks should help you drive those mosquitoes (and other insects) away.

Camphor and water

Two tablets of camphor in about a quarter cup of water will do the magic. But, if you want instant results, add in another tablet or two and some warm water.

Lemon and cloves

Mosquitoes detest the smell of cloves and all things...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


New fear as mosquitoes become ‘smarter’

>Malaria prevalence could be on the rise again as mosquitoes learn new survival tricks such as changing meal times and biting outdoors.


10 years ago


How mosquitoes zero in on hot bodies

New research suggests that mosquitoes track down something to bite using a sequence of three cues: smell, then sight, and finally heat.


11 years ago


Somalia's al-Shabab: Striking like mosquitoes

Why Somalia's Islamist fighters keep biting back


11 years ago


Humanity's global battle with mosquitoes

Humanity's global battle with disease-carrying mosquitoes


9 years ago


Scientists create infertile mosquitoes

UK scientists say they have reached a milestone in the fight against malaria by creating a genetically modified mosquito that is infertile.


10 years ago


Brazil releases 'good' mosquitoes

Brazilian researchers release thousands of mosquitoes infected with a bacteria that suppresses dengue fever into the environment in Rio de Janeiro.


9 years ago


Mutant mosquitoes 'resist malaria'

Scientists say they have bred a genetically modified mosquito that can resist malaria infection.


11 years ago


GM mosquitoes may aid malaria fight

Scientists create new strains of malaria mosquitoes that produce 95% male offspring, and can drive a rapid population crash in the laboratory.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Microwave Tips You May Not Have Known.!

One of the most used tool of the house, we often forget how remarkable an invention the microwave is. And although it’s easy to operate, it has many functions and shortcuts that we don’t know about, as most of us just press the on button, put in the time and walk away.

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To be continued



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