New fear as mosquitoes become ‘smarter’
>Malaria prevalence could be on the rise again as mosquitoes learn new survival tricks such as changing meal times and biting outdoors.
Habari Zinazoendana
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Smarter anti
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Daily News
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has said that the area that is under conservation is quite vast and that lack of adequate manpower was the major challenge in antipoaching efforts in the country. President Kikwete made the remarks on Tuesday when receiving ...
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The bar girls are smarter than you!
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Kudos to Immigration but it must work smarter
On Friday Tanzanians woke up to what could be described as shocking news after officials from the Immigration department informed reporters that they had arrested eight Iraqi nationals at the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere International airport in their attempt to ...
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Dar Students Become Smarter With Assistance From Bango
THE Kayumba drama that until recently local TVs used to play to illustrate the miseries of a local schoolboy from a family that wallows in poverty went merely to the extent to telling horrors of an out of-campus schoolchild and maybe just a little of those in ...
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Dewji Blog10 Jul
Tips To Keep Mosquitoes Away
Hello rains! And, well … hello mosquitoes. Yes, it’s that time of the year – dreadful bites that give you a dengue or malaria scare. But, fret not. This list of nature-friendly tricks should help you drive those mosquitoes (and other insects) away.
Camphor and waterTwo tablets of camphor in about a quarter cup of water will do the magic. But, if you want instant results, add in another tablet or two and some warm water.
Mosquitoes detest the smell of cloves and all things...
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How mosquitoes zero in on hot bodies
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Brazil releases 'good' mosquitoes