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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


50:50 gender representation ratio sought in House, leadership, work

50:50 gender representation ratio sought in House, leadership, work
Political parties in the country have been urged to seek attainment of equal gender representation in Parliament and leadership positions. Curently, at the municipal level, there is only 35 percent of women representatives, 36.6 percent in the national ...
Women in leadership positions on fast increase, says SimbaDaily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Ukawa’s return to House sought

The call for members of the Constituent Assembly (CA), who have boycotted the proceedings since April and identified themselves as the ‘coalition of defenders of the people’s constitution’, also known by its Kiswahili acronym as Ukawa, appears an ongoing exercise in futility.


10 years ago


EXCERPT: Gender stereotyping still major problem in many places of work

Dar es Salaam. This answer obviously displeased the general manager of Twico, who said I was not fit to be personnel manager.


9 years ago


WINNING LEADERSHIP :How to make your uniqueness work to your advantage

“I want be my own person” is a very common desire. I truly believe that sometimes people just say they want that which they don’t have but on the slightest possibility that it could come to be, they shy away. I am not going to give you that tired “you are your own enemy” line. Well, not today.


11 years ago


Isles Culture Allows Men to Participate in House Work

Isles Culture Allows Men to Participate in House Work
Zanzibar — IN most societies women take up the role of doing almost all domestic work including house chores and taking care of children. However, women in Zanzibar have a relief. Majority men in Zanzibar like Mr Amour Nassor (54) of Fuoni village, help ...


10 years ago


INSIGHT: Gender equity needed to mitigate gender violence

>From November 25 to December 10 every year, gender and human rights activists across the world participate in 16 days of activism against gender-based violence directed especially towards women and girls.


9 years ago


Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine

Fun and Inspiration, celebrating great leadership @ Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine. In attendance : President Hage Geinbgob of Namibia, Vice President Isatou Njie Saidy of The Gambia representing the Head of State and other great leaders from United States Congress including Honorable John Lewis, Martin Luther King III, Hank Johnson and more. Congratulations once more to GPS and African Leadership Magazine and Thanks to the dynamic Ms Nene Barry...


11 years ago


CA members call for equal representation

>The issue of equal representation in the selection of leaders of the committees of the CA yesterday engaged members as they discussed formation of committees


10 years ago


MPs for Changes in EALA Representation Criteria

MPs for Changes in EALA Representation Criteria
Dodoma — THE National Assembly should change its current system of electing East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) representatives to one that will take into account high education standards, proficiency of the English language and a high capacity for ...


5 years ago


Gold Price News and Forecast: XAU/USD - Gold to Silver Ratio Hits 100!

Gold Price News and Forecast: XAU/USD - Gold to Silver Ratio Hits 100!  FXStreetGold Price Pierces $1,700 But Pressured by Stock Market Rout  DailyFXBitcoin Forecast March 10, 2020  DailyForexGold remains positive above $1,700 as coronavirus propels risk aversion  FXStreetGold prices lack fresh impetus around $1670 amid broad risk-off  FXStreetView Full coverage on Google News



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