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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


6 ways seniors can use Google Home to make the COVID-19 quarantine easier

6 ways seniors can use Google Home to make the COVID-19 quarantine easier  CNET


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

SB Nation

7 ways to make working from home easier

7 ways to make working from home easier  SB Nation


5 years ago


Google's new Chrome OS touch gestures make navigation easier

Google's new Chrome OS touch gestures make navigation easier  EngadgetChromebooks get iPad-inspired tablet gestures for tablet mode  Android CentralGoogle to finally give Chrome OS the tablet mode it always needed  Digital TrendsProoof that Samsung is working on a 16GB version of the Galaxy Chromebook  Chrome UnboxedSamsung Galaxy Chromebook review: beautiful to a fault  The VergeView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Home Tips That’ll Make Your Life Easier

We usually spend too much time just trying to streamline our lives, making daily living a bit easier, a bit quicker. There are thousands of ways to make your daily lives easier. Here are 22 solutions you may not (or may) have thought of, that will make daily life just a bit simpler!


Instead of contacts – Pills!

Instead of carrying around bottles or packages, put your (non-prescription) pills in a contact lens box. This way you don’t have to carry around those cumbersome and often noisy...


5 years ago

Showbiz Cheat Sheet

YouTube Cooking Channels With Easter Brunch Ideas You Can Make From Home In Quarantine

YouTube Cooking Channels With Easter Brunch Ideas You Can Make From Home In Quarantine  Showbiz Cheat Sheet


11 years ago


Govt must make doing business much easier

The outgoing executive director of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) has a point that should be taken more seriously by those in government.


9 years ago


Make a breakup easier for your children

Breaking up with your partner is hard enough, but when you have children the situation becomes even more complicated. It can be tough staying amicable with your partner if you’re angry and upset.


5 years ago


The EU is looking to make smartphone batteries easier to replace - news

The EU is looking to make smartphone batteries easier to replace - news  GSMArena.comLeaked EU plan could simplify smartphone battery replacement  Android AuthorityLeaked EU proposal reveals plan to make smartphone batteries easier to replace  XDA DevelopersThe EU wants smartphones to have easily replaceable batteries  Android CentralLeaked EU proposal: can we have easier to replace smartphone batteries?  PhoneArenaView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago


Bored at home: Streaming concerts, virtual classes and 5 other ways to stay connected

Bored at home: Streaming concerts, virtual classes and 5 other ways to stay connected  CNET UK


5 years ago

VOA News

Rights Groups Deplore Conditions in Kenya COVID Quarantine Facilities

Rights Groups Deplore Conditions in Kenya COVID Quarantine Facilities  VOA NewsGravitas: India reports it deadliest day | Coronavirus Outbreak  WIONWashington’s field hospital to be dismantled before treating a patient, sent to states worse-hit by coronav...  Fox NewsCoronavirus outbreak: Kids' top coronavirus questions, answered - Wait There's More podcast  Global NewsWorld Shelters at Home on Good Friday During COVID Pandemic  Voice of AmericaView Full coverage on Google...



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