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Rights Groups Deplore Conditions in Kenya COVID Quarantine Facilities

Rights Groups Deplore Conditions in Kenya COVID Quarantine Facilities  VOA NewsGravitas: India reports it deadliest day | Coronavirus Outbreak  WIONWashington’s field hospital to be dismantled before treating a patient, sent to states worse-hit by coronav...  Fox NewsCoronavirus outbreak: Kids' top coronavirus questions, answered - Wait There's More podcast  Global NewsWorld Shelters at Home on Good Friday During COVID Pandemic  Voice of AmericaView Full coverage on Google...

VOA News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Now Anudo appeals to rights groups

>The man at the centre of a nationality dispute has asked human rights bodies and activists to intervene in his predicament so that the Prohibited Immigrant (PI) notice issued against him by the commissioner of Immigration can be cancelled.


10 years ago


Human Rights Groups Welcome Confirmation of Lubanga Sentence

Human Rights Groups Welcome Confirmation of Lubanga Sentence
Arusha — Human rights groups have welcomed Monday's International Criminal Court confirmation of a 14-year jail sentence for former Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga for the war crimes of conscripting child soldiers and using them to fight.
ICC upholds Lubanga convictionWorld War 4 Report

all 2


10 years ago

Sudan Tribune

Rights Groups Call On AU to Publish Report On the Country's Crimes

Sudan Tribune
Rights Groups Call On AU to Publish Report On the Country's Crimes
Sudan Tribune
Addis Ababa — International and national human rights and civil society organisations have called on the African Union (AU) to make public its findings in an investigation into crimes committed by warring parties in South Sudan. AU's Peace and Security ...
South Sudan President: Wording in Arusha Agreement was ChangedVoice of America
A Reading of the Arusha Intra-SPLM Agreementgurtong
Luka: S Sudan...


10 years ago


Rights group advocates inclusion of marginalised groups in politics.

Rights group advocates inclusion of marginalised groups in politics.
Political parties should ensure that they create special strategies to increase number of women, young people and those with disabilities in political contests, they have been told. The advice was made recently by the Tanzania Media Women's Association ...
TAMWA hails Bilal over financial supportDaily News

all 4


10 years ago

Sudan Tribune

Rights groups call on AU to publish crimes report on South Sudan

Sudan Tribune
Rights groups call on AU to publish crimes report on South Sudan
Sudan Tribune
January 28, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – International and national human rights and civil society organizations have called on the African Union (AU) to make public its findings in the investigation of crimes committed by warring parties in South Sudan.
South Sudan President: Wording in Arusha Agreement was ChangedVoice of America
[WORLD NEWS] IGAD summit on South Sudan will be held tomorrow in Addis ...Diplomat...


5 years ago


6 ways seniors can use Google Home to make the COVID-19 quarantine easier

6 ways seniors can use Google Home to make the COVID-19 quarantine easier  CNET


5 years ago


Ventilator vs respirator. Quarantine vs isolation. Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic terms, defined.

Ventilator vs respirator. Quarantine vs isolation. Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic terms, defined.  Vox.comTrafficked pangolins can carry coronaviruses closely related to pandemic strain  National GeographicCoronavirus: How tests and therapies fight the pandemic | Covid-19 Special  DW NewsCoronavirus: How it works — and why it’s so contagious — inside your body  Vox.com3 babies in China may have been infected with coronavirus in the womb  Live ScienceView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago


Coronavirus: Kenya quarantine escapees arrested while drinking at bar

The pair were found drinking in a bar which had defied orders to close to halt the spread of Covid-19.


5 years ago


Kenya hunts those filmed fleeing coronavirus quarantine centre

Those in mandatory confinement have been complaining about prison-like conditions and the expense.



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