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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


A missionary life: Wagner raising $4k to go back to Tanzania

Paragould Daily Press
A missionary life: Wagner raising $4k to go back to Tanzania
Paragould Daily Press
Paragould native Anna Wagner at the Chimala Mission in Tanzania on the east coast of Africa where she lives with her family. Wagner returned to Paragould in 2014 to attend school at Crowley's Ridge College, but she is currently raising money to return ...

Paragould Daily Press

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Rwandans expelled from Tanzania get new promise of life back home

Rwandans expelled from Tanzania get new promise of life back home
KIGALI, Rwanda - Ms Odette Bayagambe, 39, had always considered Tanzania her home, until the afternoon of August 9, 2013 when Tanzanian security operatives attacked her home and forced her to leave the country. "I had just taken goats to graze," she ...
Rwandans Expelled from Tanzania Get New Promise of Life in Rwanda, Reports

all 4


11 years ago


VIDEO: Looking back at Maya Angelou's life

US author, poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou has died at the age of 86.


9 years ago


Life back to normal after last Sunday’s election

The dust is gradually settling down following the announcement of the winner of the highly contested 2015 presidential race on Thursday.


11 years ago


Reality check for twins back home after life-saving surgery

>It was a long and hard year for Grace Rwesha, 21. She had no clue whether she would ever see her children’s father again. She did not even know whether her sons Eliud and Elikana would get to know their father.


5 years ago

The Guardian

'It's not so easy to return from the dead': coming back to life after lockdown in Wuhan

'It's not so easy to return from the dead': coming back to life after lockdown in Wuhan  The Guardian


5 years ago

Showbiz Cheat Sheet

The 90s Come Roaring Back to Life as the Backstreet Boys Perform a Socially Distant 'I Want It That Way'

The 90s Come Roaring Back to Life as the Backstreet Boys Perform a Socially Distant 'I Want It That Way'  Showbiz Cheat SheetCoronavirus Outbreak: Backstreet Boys reunite virtually to sing their 90s hit song 'I Want It That Way'  FirstpostRanking How Well Each Member Of The Backstreet Boys Has Aged  BroBibleWhy We’re All Crying to the Backstreet Boys Again  Vanity FairView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago

Laramie Boomerang

Woman raising money to feed orphans in Tanzania

Woman raising money to feed orphans in Tanzania
Laramie Boomerang
When Judi Davis turned 60 last year, she sold her Laramie house, traveled to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, and then spent six weeks working at a school for orphaned children. The trip changed her life, but not the part of the trip where she stood atop ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Govt Considers Raising Cargo Overloading Fee

Tanzania: Govt Considers Raising Cargo Overloading Fee
Morogoro — Deputy Minister, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Mr Edwin Ngonyani, proposed yesterday that the fine for overweighing vehicles must be increased to meet actual cost of reconstructing roads and other infrastructure.


10 years ago

Canterbury Times

Car wash raising money for ten week Tanzania project

Car wash raising money for ten week Tanzania project
Canterbury Times
An 18-year-old from Faversham has organised a car wash this weekend to raise money for his trip to Tanzania. Jacob Glenn is flying out on October 9 to volunteer for ten weeks at sustainable development charity Raleigh International. The charity runs ...



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