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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania: Govt Considers Raising Cargo Overloading Fee

Tanzania: Govt Considers Raising Cargo Overloading Fee
Morogoro — Deputy Minister, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Mr Edwin Ngonyani, proposed yesterday that the fine for overweighing vehicles must be increased to meet actual cost of reconstructing roads and other infrastructure.

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Govt considers raising cargo overloading fee

Deputy Minister, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Mr Edwin Ngonyani, proposed yesterday that the fine for overweighing vehicles must be increased to meet actual cost of reconstructing roads and other infrastructure.


10 years ago


Govt set to hit employers with payroll fee

The government yesterday announced plans to introduce another payroll fee. Labour and Employment deputy minister Makongoro Mahanga said the funds to be collected would be used to finance research and collect data on workers who die and or are injured at workplaces.


10 years ago


Tanzania tourists to get hit with new fee

Tanzania tourists to get hit with new fee
Incredible news is coming in from Tanzania that the government there, cash strapped ahead of the upcoming general elections, is seeking to fill its coffers from the pockets of tourists who have bought wood carvings while on safari or a beach vacation in the ...


9 years ago


Tanzania launches school fee crackdown

Private schools in Tanzania are ordered to reduce fees, and state schools to stop asking for contributions, as part of a government education review.


10 years ago

Paragould Daily Press

A missionary life: Wagner raising $4k to go back to Tanzania

Paragould Daily Press
A missionary life: Wagner raising $4k to go back to Tanzania
Paragould Daily Press
Paragould native Anna Wagner at the Chimala Mission in Tanzania on the east coast of Africa where she lives with her family. Wagner returned to Paragould in 2014 to attend school at Crowley's Ridge College, but she is currently raising money to return ...


11 years ago

Laramie Boomerang

Woman raising money to feed orphans in Tanzania

Woman raising money to feed orphans in Tanzania
Laramie Boomerang
When Judi Davis turned 60 last year, she sold her Laramie house, traveled to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, and then spent six weeks working at a school for orphaned children. The trip changed her life, but not the part of the trip where she stood atop ...


10 years ago

Canterbury Times

Car wash raising money for ten week Tanzania project

Car wash raising money for ten week Tanzania project
Canterbury Times
An 18-year-old from Faversham has organised a car wash this weekend to raise money for his trip to Tanzania. Jacob Glenn is flying out on October 9 to volunteer for ten weeks at sustainable development charity Raleigh International. The charity runs ...


10 years ago

Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

Tanzania: Dar Port Cargo Traffic Grows At 14 Per Cent

Hindustan Times
Tanzania: Dar Port Cargo Traffic Grows At 14 Per Cent
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
Dar Es Salaam port's annual cargo traffic growth now stands at 14, the Acting Director General of the Tanzania Ports Authority, Mr Awadhi Massawe, says. He told editors of Tanzania media houses on a familiarisation tour of the Dar es Salaam Port that major ...
Tanzania current account deficit narrows 23 pct in year to April: central bankReuters Africa
Tanzania's female politicians trained to...


11 years ago


Tanzania floods derail cargo train as one killed, five missing

Tanzania floods derail cargo train as one killed, five missing
DAR ES SALAAM (Xinhua) -- One person was killed and fiver others went missing on Friday after floods triggered by ongoing heavy rains in many parts of Tanzania derailed a cargo train in the country's central town of Mpwapwa. Mpwapwa district ...



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