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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


An affordable and fast clinical test that can save human lives and spares at-risk population

An affordable and fast clinical test that can save human lives and spares at-risk population

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


An animal trainer with a mission to save human lives

Pendo Msegu has a very unconventional job, she works as a rat trainer at the APOPO’s centre which is part of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Morogoro


10 years ago


From big enemies to heroes: The unique rats that save human lives

Sylvia Komba said her last prayer on an afternoon in December 2013 as she lay helplessly in her bed at Mbagala in Dar es Salaam.


11 years ago


Population grows fast in energy-rich gulf coast

Oil-and-gas-rich areas in and near the Great Plains contained many of the fastest-growing areas in the US last year, according to US Census Bureau population estimates released last week. Areas along and near the Gulf Coast were also home to several high-growth communities.


11 years ago


Is Africa’s young population a risk or an asset?

Is Africa’s young population a risk or an asset?


5 years ago

Dove Medical Press

Clinical Performance of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing versus Cyto | CLEP

Clinical Performance of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing versus Cyto | CLEP  Dove Medical Press


5 years ago


First U.S. clinical human trial of potential coronavirus vaccine set to start Monday

First U.S. clinical human trial of potential coronavirus vaccine set to start Monday  TechCrunchCoronavirus: US volunteers to test first vaccine  BBC NewsFirst participant in US coronavirus vaccine trial to be given dose  The GuardianGovernment official: Coronavirus vaccine trial starts Monday  11AliveCoronavirus trial vaccine to be tested today  Greek City TimesView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


save mothers’ lives

Much as the future of our nation lies in the wellbeing of children, mothers too should be in prime condition if they are to survive childbirth and nurture their babies to adulthood. They also need the right facilities and skilled healthcare, regardless of where they live.


10 years ago


Wash hands and save lives

Children are always encouraged to wash their hands regularly especially before and after meals.


11 years ago


Save 4,000 lives this year

Death on our roads these days is so commonplace that one might be forgiven for saying it should not be considered news. Yet even one death that could have been avoided must be big news--and bad news, for that matter.



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