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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Is Africa’s young population a risk or an asset?

Is Africa’s young population a risk or an asset?


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


An affordable and fast clinical test that can save human lives and spares at-risk population

An affordable and fast clinical test that can save human lives and spares at-risk population


9 years ago


Analysing Africa's population boom

Booming population brings challenges and opportunities


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Nielsen: GDP, Population and Governance Data Alone Are Not Enough to Predict Brand Success in Africa


New report shows hard retail data, consumer needs and behavior, combined with macro-economic datasets, are better indicators of opportunity and success in African markets

For brands eager to tap into the growing African markets and the region’s estimated 350 million middle class consumers, relying solely on macro-economic data such as GDP growth, population trends and regulatory governance data to identify opportunities and predict success can lead to costly missteps, according to a new...


5 years ago

The Africa Report

Coronavirus Africa map: Which countries are most at risk?

Coronavirus Africa map: Which countries are most at risk?  The Africa ReportNigeria confirms first case of Coronavirus in Sub-Saharan Africa  africanewsVulnerable continent: Africa and the coronavirus  RFICoronavirus hits Africa: What we know so far  Multimedia LIVECoronavirus outbreak: WHO raises risk warning to ‘very high’  The Irish TimesView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Pulse Nigeria

Coronavirus in Africa: These are the 3 countries with the highest risk

Coronavirus in Africa: These are the 3 countries with the highest risk  Pulse NigeriaCoronavirus: three African countries most at risk - General news - ANSAMed  ANSAmedView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Africanews English

Coronavirus: Egypt, Algeria, South Africa at 'high risk'

Coronavirus: Egypt, Algeria, South Africa at 'high risk'  Africanews EnglishCoronavirus Outbreak: What You Need to Know  mibluesperspectives.comCoronavirus outbreak: the story and response so far  pharmaceutical-technology.comCoronavirus: A timeline of how the deadly outbreak is evolving  pharmaceutical-technology.comView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


Malaria: list of top 10 high-risk countries in Africa

>Gains in fighting malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa have left the highest risk for the disease concentrated in 10 countries, according to a study published on Wednesday by The Lancet medical journal.


5 years ago

Financial Post

U.S.-Kenya Trade Talks Seen a Risk for Africa Regional Pact

U.S.-Kenya Trade Talks Seen a Risk for Africa Regional Pact  Financial PostView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

UrduPoint News

Africa at Greater COVID-19 Risk Than Developed States, Pandemic Could Be Devastating - NGO

Africa at Greater COVID-19 Risk Than Developed States, Pandemic Could Be Devastating - NGO  UrduPoint News



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