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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Anudo’s mother vows sit-in at RC office

The mother of Mr Anudo Ochieng Anudo, the man who has been declared a Prohibited Immigrant (PI) in Tanzania, says she will stage a sit-in at the Mara regional commissioner’s office until the stalemate on her son’s nationality is solved.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


JK vows to settle Sh439 billion owed to PSPF before leaving office

The government borrowed the amount to implement different development projects.


5 years ago


Hunter-Gatherers Sit as Much as Us, But How They Sit Makes All The Difference

Hunter-Gatherers Sit as Much as Us, But How They Sit Makes All The Difference  ScienceAlertSquat, don't sit: The way we are sedentary could make a big difference to our health  CBC.caView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Now Anudo appeals to rights groups

>The man at the centre of a nationality dispute has asked human rights bodies and activists to intervene in his predicament so that the Prohibited Immigrant (PI) notice issued against him by the commissioner of Immigration can be cancelled.


10 years ago


Anudo is Tanzanian: village leaders

The Masinono Village authorities in Butiama District have confirmed that Mr Anudo Ochieng Anudo, who has been declared a prohibited immigrant (PI) in Tanzania, was born at the village.


10 years ago


Anudo’s father in LHRC plea

The fate of the nationality dispute involving Mr Anudo Ochieng is now in the hands of legal experts after his father presented documents to the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) yesterday.


10 years ago


Anudo’s father set to meet Chikawe

The father of the man who has been declared a Prohibited Immigrant (PI) in Tanzania, Mr Anudo Ochieng Anudo, hopes to meet the minister for Home Affairs Mr Mathias Chikawe today to plead that the nationality dispute against his son be solved.


10 years ago


Anudo’s father: I’m dying to meet Home Affairs minister

The quest for justice for his son has seen Mzee Anderekus Anudo Achok travel 1,154km from the Lake Victoria shores town of Musoma to the city of Dar es Salaam.


10 years ago


Why you prefer to sit at the counter

There’s this old buddy who, for some reason, believes he owes you a beer. He had called you today asking where you are. You told him. “Please stay there-there; I want to come and buy you beer,” he had said.


10 years ago


A lady who can sit alone by the bar

She walks in and perches herself on a stool, retrieves her phone from her handbag then leans over and hooks her purse under the counter.



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