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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Architects gear up for new technological advances

>The country’s architects have resolved to adopt new technology in order to avert the sad events on collapsing of buildings.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The African Exponent

Understanding Technological Unemployment of the Future

Understanding Technological Unemployment of the Future  The African Exponent


5 years ago

The Guardian

Coronavirus: what are the latest scientific advances?

Coronavirus: what are the latest scientific advances?  The Guardian


10 years ago


Punish escrow architects, says Tucta

>The Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (Tucta) yesterday added its voice to the growing condemnation of the architects of the Tegeta escrow scandal.


10 years ago


Conference Advances Social Protection Agenda

Conference Advances Social Protection Agenda
Arusha — MINISTER for Finance Ms Saada Mkuya Salum on Wednesday officially closed a threeday international conference in which Tanzania adopted the Arusha Declaration on Social Protection. The declaration provides a strong foundation for advancing ...


10 years ago


Local Architects Push Vote On EAC Market to May

Local Architects Push Vote On EAC Market to May
THE Architects Association of Tanzania (AAT) has pushed the vote on the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) on opening up the local market for other planners in the East African region to May, this year, it has been confirmed. Through the vote, local ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Time for architects of Escrow scam to resign

>After months of denial, propaganda and flimsy defence, finally, the truth has emerged and it should be time for all those who facilitated the withdrawal of Sh207 billion from the Tegeta escrow account to resign.


5 years ago


Singapore researchers make advances in coronavirus test method - Bloomberg

Singapore researchers make advances in coronavirus test method - Bloomberg  FXStreet


9 years ago


Rais Mstaafu Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete atunukiwa Heshima ya Companion Award na Commonwealth Partnership for Technological Management (CPTM)

Taasisi ya Commonwealth Partnership for Technological Management (CPTM) inayojishughulisha na kukuza ushirikiano katika nyanja ya sayansi na teknolojia kwa nchi za Jumuiya ya Madola, imemtunuku Rais Mstaafu Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, heshima ya Juu ya CPTM (Companion Award) kwa kutambua mchango wake katika kuhamasisha ukuaji wa matumizi ya sayansi na teknolojia ikiwemo matumizi ya huduma za fedha kwa njia ya simu. Rais Mstaafu Kikwete, alikabidhiwa Tuzo hiyo tarehe 1 Desemba, 2015. Taasisi hiyo...


11 years ago


American People Partner with Dar Teknohama Business Incubator to Pilot Program to Enhance Technological Skills for Tanzanian Youth

The United States Department of State in partnership with the Dar Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi) and CoderDojo launched a two-month pilot program to teach 50 primary school-aged youth 21st century computer technology skills through a new initiative called afriCoderDojo. In the photo the DTBi Chief Executive Officer Eng. George Mulamula speaks to the audience on launching the programme held yesterday at the COSTECH Building in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The program is first of its kind...



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