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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Are we prepared for the next global epidemic?

Too often, the conventional wisdom in diplomatic or scientific circles is that the general public doesn’t know what’s good for them when it comes to foreign policy or tackling global threats. It’s too complicated, the experts say; the public wouldn’t understand. Yet new polling suggests that many in the public understand very well how global infectious disease outbreaks pose a serious threat to their lives and economic security – and they know what should...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Ebola epidemic stirs panic at global level

>Many African countries were last week rapidly descending into panic as they contemplated the perils posed by the rapidly spreading Ebola fever.


9 years ago


How prepared are we against disasters?

Today is the International Day for Disaster Reduction, a date set aside by the United Nations to celebrate how people and communities are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness on them.


10 years ago


Are you prepared for the sunset of your worklife?

If Mr Michael Mlelwa,67, could turn back the clock, he would save every cent possible and invest well in advance to live a comfortable life after retirement.


9 years ago


‘Minor prepared to become TZ’s 2050 president’

As Tanzanians yesterday celebrated the swearing in of their new President for the fifth-phase government, one family here has declared the start of a journey to prepare their one-year-eight month son to become Tanzania’s president in 2050.


9 years ago


VIDEO: 'We’re only prepared for marriage'

Naomi Bya'Ombe, 15, wishes schools would give both girls and boys the same preparation to succeed in life.


5 years ago

Al Jazeera English

Coronavirus: How prepared is the United States? Not very.

Coronavirus: How prepared is the United States? Not very.  Al Jazeera English


10 years ago


The start of my African adventure: nothing could have prepared me
The start of my African adventure: nothing could have prepared me
The word 'travel' sounds immensely glamorous. When I told friends that I was going to Zanzibar for my honeymoon, then on to Dar es Salaam to live for at least two years, they visibly swooned. However, back then at the age of 25, the reality was very ...


11 years ago


W. African Ebola epidemic ‘likely to last months’: UN

>The United Nations health agency said on Thursday it expected the worst Ebola outbreak in history to continue its deadly rampage through West Africa for at least “several months”.


5 years ago


Coronavirus epidemic 'far from over' in Asia: WHO official

Coronavirus epidemic 'far from over' in Asia: WHO official  ReutersCoronavirus epidemic 'far from over' in Asia, warns WHO official  Malay MailCovid-19 pandemic in Asia 'far from over,' countries should brace for 'large-scale community transmission,' WHO warns  RTWHO: Buy time before large-scale transmissions happen  MalaysiakiniWHO expert warns countries easing coronavirus bans to not let guard down  Fox NewsView Full coverage on Google News



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