How prepared are we against disasters?
Today is the International Day for Disaster Reduction, a date set aside by the United Nations to celebrate how people and communities are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness on them.
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen23 Apr
More must be done if we are to control disasters
Rain tends to do immense damage to Tanzania’s infrastructure. It causes death to people as well, while destroying property.
10 years ago
TheCitizen29 Sep
Let us avoid disasters by being more vigilant
A mobile text message has lately been doing the rounds, advising people to take precautions against cooking gas-induced disasters. It should not be ignored, like we do with regard to information cooked up for fun, political motives or settling scores relayed via that media.
10 years ago
TheCitizen21 Sep
‘Climate disasters worsening’
Climate-related disasters in the five years since global leaders last met to discuss climate change have cost almost $500 billion - three times more than for the whole of the 1970s, international agency Oxfam said Friday.
11 years ago
TheCitizen25 Jan
EDITORIAL: Let’s prepare well to deal with disasters
>A record downpour on Wednesday washed away crops in the field, pasture land, shelters and a key bridge. This virtually divided the country into two isolated parts, courtesy of the distant Ukaguru Mountains range that overflowed upstream and fed Mkundi River. This cut off communication between the coastal belt and the upcountry regions.
11 years ago
TheCitizen09 Feb
Africa is much more than poverty, crises and disasters
Africa is playing a key role in shaping the future. Fifty years ago, the world watched Africa with fascination as seventeen countries declared their independence in 1960.
10 years ago
TheCitizen03 Oct
Official says natural disasters worry EAC
>The East African Community (EAC) says it is worried by the frequency of natural disasters and losses they cause in the region.
10 years ago
IPPmedia24 Apr
Immediate actions needed to reduce impact of disasters.
A group photo of some participants of members of IORA who recently attended a two day workshop in Dar es Salaam on how to mitigate disasters. (Photo: David Kisanga). Disaster risk management is nowadays receiving great attention from not only from ...
10 years ago
TRFN02 Apr
Tanzania steps up efforts to manage surge in disasters
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, April 2 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - I n the face of a growing threat from extreme weather, Tanzania's parliament has adopted a law to help authorities cope with emergencies and shield vulnerable communities from disaster ...
10 years ago
Gbooza02 Apr
Tanzania steps up efforts to manage surge in disasters: TRFN
Tanzania (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - In the face of a growing threat from extreme weather, Tanzania's parliament has adopted a law to help authorities cope with emergencies and shield vulnerable communities from disaster risks. The new legislation ...
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania