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Africa is much more than poverty, crises and disasters

Africa is playing a key role in shaping the future. Fifty years ago, the world watched Africa with fascination as seventeen countries declared their independence in 1960.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

“Beyond Ebola: a G7 agenda to help prevent future crises and enhance security in Africa”


Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaking at the final press conference of the G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Lübeck.(All Photos by Phototek, Berlin).

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Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign and Security Policy, at the panel discussion “Warm up: We are discussing foreign policy in Lübeck!”

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Bundesaussenminister; Laurent Fabius, Aussenminister von Frankreich; John Kerry, Aussenminister der USA; Philip Hammond, Aussenminister von Grossbritannien; Paolo Gentiloni, Aussenminister von Italien; Fumio Kishida, Aussenminister von Japan; Robert Nicholson, Aussenminister von Kanada; Federica Mogherini, Hohe Beauftragte der Union fuer Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Luebeck, 14.04.2015  Freigegeben fuer die kostenfreie redaktionelle Verwendung. Als Copyright ist folgende Quelle anzugeben: Auswaertiges Amt/

Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcoming Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida.

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Frank-Walter Steinmeier signing the book of...


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : Here’s how we can tackle poverty in Africa

In 2013, the World Bank Group announced two goals that would guide its development work worldwide. The first is the eradication of chronic poverty. More formally, it is the target of bringing the number of extremely poor people, defined as those living on less than 1.25 ppp-adjusted dollars a day, to less than 3pc of the world population by 2030.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Ending extreme poverty in Africa

The BBC's Mike Wooldridge reports from Uganda on the progress of the Millennium Village project.


9 years ago


What a viral picture tells us about child poverty in Africa

What a viral picture tells us about child poverty in Africa


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Trade integration key to reduce poverty and support growth in Africa

Charles Brewer

Managing Director of DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa, Charles Brewer.

Africa continues to remain vastly unexplored, and making Africa’s most remote regions accessible for trade will not only promote prosperity in those regions, but also elevate the continent’s continued growth path.

This is according to Charles Brewer, Managing Director of DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa, commenting on The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty1 report recently released by the World Bank Group and World Trade...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Africa wealth report 2015: rich get richer even as poverty and inequality deepen

luandaDiners sit on the terrace of the luxury Cais de Quatro restaurant, overlooking the city skyline in the Angolan capital Luanda. Photograph: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg/Getty Images

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Campaign group criticises development strategies as research shows the number of millionaires in Africa has more than doubled since 2000.

Africa is now home to more than 160,000 people with personal fortunes worth in excess of $1m (£642,000), a twofold increase in the...


9 years ago


How prepared are we against disasters?

Today is the International Day for Disaster Reduction, a date set aside by the United Nations to celebrate how people and communities are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness on them.


11 years ago


More must be done if we are to control disasters

Rain tends to do immense damage to Tanzania’s infrastructure. It causes death to people as well, while destroying property.


10 years ago


Journalists get poor marks on handling crises

>The Joyce Banda-President - Jakaya Kikwete tensions over Lake Nyassa, was the second in terms of heightened tensions over border dispute.



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