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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Journalists get poor marks on handling crises

>The Joyce Banda-President - Jakaya Kikwete tensions over Lake Nyassa, was the second in terms of heightened tensions over border dispute.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Poor handling of funds hurts NHIC

Poor management of funds given by development partners to the Community Health Fund (CHF) is one of the limitations that prevent the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIC) from providing better services to all residents in the region.


11 years ago


Africa is much more than poverty, crises and disasters

Africa is playing a key role in shaping the future. Fifty years ago, the world watched Africa with fascination as seventeen countries declared their independence in 1960.


10 years ago


Let’s act now to forestall repeat of flooding crises

It appears like the heavy rains that made life for Dar es Salaam residents a nightmare are over, but, we must hasten to add—for now. As we heave sighs of relief and try to come to terms with the flooding outcomes, we must resolve to do things in ways that will ameliorate the ravages of future downpours.


10 years ago


President Kikwete chairs the UN Meeting on Health Crises in Geneva

The Chaiperson of the UN High level Panel on The global Response to Health Crises President Dr.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete during a meeting in Geneva today other panelists from second left Ms.Joy Phumaphi,Calmy Rey, and Celso Amorim from Brazil.Other panel memeber Rajiv Shah from the US participated in the panel through Video conference.
 The Panel was appointed by the UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon on April this year to make recommendations to strengthen national and international systems to...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

“Beyond Ebola: a G7 agenda to help prevent future crises and enhance security in Africa”


Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaking at the final press conference of the G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Lübeck.(All Photos by Phototek, Berlin).

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Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign and Security Policy, at the panel discussion “Warm up: We are discussing foreign policy in Lübeck!”

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Bundesaussenminister; Laurent Fabius, Aussenminister von Frankreich; John Kerry, Aussenminister der USA; Philip Hammond, Aussenminister von Grossbritannien; Paolo Gentiloni, Aussenminister von Italien; Fumio Kishida, Aussenminister von Japan; Robert Nicholson, Aussenminister von Kanada; Federica Mogherini, Hohe Beauftragte der Union fuer Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Luebeck, 14.04.2015  Freigegeben fuer die kostenfreie redaktionelle Verwendung. Als Copyright ist folgende Quelle anzugeben: Auswaertiges Amt/

Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcoming Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida.

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Frank-Walter Steinmeier signing the book of...


11 years ago

Party Politics With Care Is Vital To Our Peace

Why handling multi

Why handling multi-party politics with care is vital to our peace
Some of President Jakaya Kikwete's remarks made at the opening of the National Executive Committee conference of his ruling party, a few days ago, are too important to pass without comment. Indeed, reaction to some of the controversial statements he ...


11 years ago


Be open in handling funds

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority has raised queries about the Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (Rita) and the Government Employees Providence Fund (GEPF). Their concerns have to do with transparency in these public organisations’ construction projects in Dar es Salaam.


11 years ago


Pistorius forensic handling queried

A forensics expert defends police handling of evidence from the scene of Oscar Pistorius' shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp


10 years ago


Handling a child who is talking back

Ask your preschooler to clear his train set off the kitchen table so you can serve dinner and he retorts, “No way!” Does this display of attitude mean you’re in for years of sassing?



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