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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Astronomers observed most distant blazar ever

Astronomers observed most distant blazar ever  Tech Explorist

Tech Explorist

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Education week to be observed every year

Daily News
Education week to be observed every year
Daily News
MINISTER for Education and Vocational Training, Dr Shukuru Kawambwa, has said that the Education Week shall be marked every year. The event was launched on May 3, this year, by Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda who stressed the need for the ministry to ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Financial discipline must be strictly observed

Financial discipline must be strictly observed
Daily News
THE National Assembly is later today expected to endorse the government's budget proposals for the 2014/15 financial year, after a week-long spirited debate on the estimates. Through a roll-call voting, Members of Parliament (MPs) will be required to ...


11 years ago


Amendment of standing orders observed CA rules

Amendment of standing orders observed CA rules - Lukuvi
Minister of State Prime Minister's Office (Policy, Co-ordination and Parliamentary Affairs) William Lukuvi yesterday said that standing orders which were amended in the absence of members of the Coalition of People's Constitution (Ukawa) observed the ...


10 years ago


World albinism awareness day to be observed in Kikwete
World albinism awareness day to be observed in Kikwete
So far, there are conflicting figures between the Tanzania Albino Society (TAS) in contrast to the ones being floated by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), with the latter basing their numbers from the countrywide census of 2012 with latest adjustments for ...


5 years ago

Science Times

It's Raining Iron on a Distant Exoplanet

It's Raining Iron on a Distant Exoplanet  Science TimesAstronomers discover scorching hot planet where it rains liquid iron  CBS NewsThe strange planet where it rains iron  Boing BoingNewly discovered exoplanet has very unusual weather, astronomers say  AccuWeather.comSo Metal: This Exoplanet Rains Droplets of Molten Iron  Popular MechanicsView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


Observed: Giant, Ultra-Hot Planet WASP-76b Where It Rains Iron

Observed: Giant, Ultra-Hot Planet WASP-76b Where It Rains Iron  SciTechDailyResearchers Observe Faraway Planet that Likely Receives Iron Rain  VOA Learning EnglishIt's cloudy with a chance of iron rain on hot, faraway world  The AgeAstronomers discover scorching hot planet where it rains liquid iron  CBS NewsThe strange planet where it rains iron  Boing BoingView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago

Daily News

EAC political federation still a distant dream

The Standard Digital News
EAC political federation still a distant dream
Daily News
IT is still a long way before the East African Community hatches its targeted political federation but setting up federal security forces such as an East African army or police force can always be considered, even on temporary basis. The Chairman of the East ...
President Kenyatta: EAC teamwork necessary in war on poachingIPPmedia
How Kenya took on the International Criminal CourtGlobalPost
Uhuru - Poaching,...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

International Day Of United Nations Peacekeepers to be observed at New York Headquarters, Offices Worldwide, 29 May

U.N. peacekeepers from Tanzania attend a special parade for their slain colleague killed in an operation with the Congolese army to drive back M23 rebels in Munigi in the eastern DRC

- Four fallen peacekeepers from Tanzania to be honoured at ceremony at UN Headquarters 

The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers will be observed on Friday, 29 May, marking the seventh successive year in which the Organization will honour more than 100 “blue helmets” who lost their lives the previous year while serving the cause of peace.  Commemorative activities will be held at United Nations Headquarters in New York, and at peacekeeping operations and offices around the world...


10 years ago


Revolution a distant memory as Egypt escalates repression

Revolution a distant memory as Egypt escalates repression



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