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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Astrophysicists Reveal a New Model of Our Solar System’s Protective Bubble, the Heliosphere

Astrophysicists Reveal a New Model of Our Solar System’s Protective Bubble, the Heliosphere  SciTechDailyThis Weird Shape Might Actually Be What Our Sun's Magnetic Bubble Looks Like  ScienceAlertView Full coverage on Google News


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Tech Times

Space Controversy: It's Helio-Crescent Not Heliosphere; Astronomers Reveal Earth Lives in Huge Croissant

Space Controversy: It's Helio-Crescent Not Heliosphere; Astronomers Reveal Earth Lives in Huge Croissant  Tech Times


11 years ago


PROFILE: From top model to role model: Meet Ellygyver Godwin

>Ellygyver Godwin, a Tanzanian renowned model and rising entrepreneur is setting the perfect example of the proverbial “beauty with brains”.


5 years ago


Tesla Model Y, Model 3 Owners Express Love, Hate: Despite Flaws, They’re Devoted To Their Car

Tesla Model Y, Model 3 Owners Express Love, Hate: Despite Flaws, They’re Devoted To Their Car  ForbesView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


The Xiaomi Heylou Solar smartwatch is not solar-powered, but offers a lot of bang for your buck - news

The Xiaomi Heylou Solar smartwatch is not solar-powered, but offers a lot of bang for your buck - news


9 years ago


‘Best system’ of regulating off-grid power developing

The future alternative to the traditional electric utility may emerge first in Tanzania. The East African nation has developed the best system of regulating and spurring off-grid power systems anywhere in the world, according to the annual Climatescope study into energy investment trends in developing nations by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.


5 years ago

Sputnik International

Astrophysicists Spot Two Neutron Stars Rippling Space and Time in Violent Merger

Astrophysicists Spot Two Neutron Stars Rippling Space and Time in Violent Merger  Sputnik International


9 years ago


‘Kinguti System’ nyota inayongaa nchini Thailand

Ramadhani KingutiNA VALERY KIYUNGU,

KARIBU msomaji wa safu hii ya Tujikumbushe inayokujia kila siku za Jumamosi, hapa tunapata nafasi ya kuwachambua wasanii mbalimbali waliofanya vizuri miaka ya nyuma kwa lengio la kizazi kipya kijiifunze mengi kutoka kwao.

Wiki hii nipo na mwanamuziki, mtunzi na mpigaji ala za muziki, Ramadhani Kinguti maarufu kama Kinguti System ambaye hivi sasa anafanya vizuri katika tasnia hiyo ya muziki nchini Thailand.

Kwa mujibu wa swahiba wake wa karibu ambaye ni mwanamuziki...


11 years ago

Daily News

Protective rhino breeding takes off

Daily News
Protective rhino breeding takes off
Daily News
IN recent years rhinos have only been making headlines when illegal hunters (poachers) struck intent on stealing their expensive horns. However, this is about to change because the endangered animals are now being raised in a protected sanctuary.


10 years ago


VIDEO: 'The Madiba bubble has popped'

Bishop Mike Foster says the idea that South Africa was a beacon of hope has been an 'illusion'.



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