Asylum seekers stuck in Indonesia limbo
African asylum seekers bound for Australia but stuck in Indonesia
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
BBC18 Dec
Jordan deports Sudanese asylum seekers
Jordan deports hundreds of Sudanese asylum seekers who were demonstrating outside the UN refugee agency's offices in Amman.
10 years ago
BBCCourt orders asylum seekers' return
The British home secretary must return a Nigerian asylum seeker and her son to the UK just months after ordering their removal, a court rules.
9 years ago
TheCitizen04 Oct
EMINA ERIMOVI :Fear and hope of asylum seekers in EU
If I could send a message to European leaders it would be this. Understand why people risk everything to reach Europe. Show them the same humanity being shown by ordinary citizens.
10 years ago
IPPmedia04 Sep
Why lawful asylum seekers, refugees entitled to employment
Why lawful asylum seekers, refugees entitled to employment
Asylum Access Tanzania and the Refugee Work Rights Coalition have released the report, entitled: 'Global Refugee Work Rights Report 2014: Taking the Movement from Theory to Practice.' The report examines the laws, policies and practices pertaining to ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen15 Apr
Katiba process in limbo
Dar es Salaam. There is no consensus on the fate of the constitutional process after the postponement of the referendum, with stakeholders divided on what is the next course of action. While the National Electoral Commission and some members of the ruling party (CCM) say the referendum will take place at any time this year once the voter register is complete activists and opposition leaders and are of the view that the postponement of the referendum provides an opportunity to go back to the...
11 years ago
TheCitizen26 Feb
Katiba writing process in limbo
>For more than three decades, politicians, activists, academicians as well as ordinary wananchi have been campaigning for a new constitution.
5 years ago
BBC08 Mar
Expelled from the US and now in limbo in Sierra Leone
Saren Idaho and Prince Latoya were sent to Sierra Leone, where they say they have no roots.
11 years ago
TheCitizen11 Mar
CA decision on vote mode still in limbo
Constituent Assembly (CA) members have failed to decide which mode of voting should be adopted to pass provisions of the Draft Constitution.
10 years ago
TheCitizen22 Oct
PTL saga throws next Budget in limbo
Should development projects funded by the donor community be shelved because of embracing Independent Power Tanzania Limited culprits? Donor community have made it clear that the release of funds amounting to Sh1 trillion depends on the report.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania