
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Why lawful asylum seekers, refugees entitled to employment

Why lawful asylum seekers, refugees entitled to employment
Asylum Access Tanzania and the Refugee Work Rights Coalition have released the report, entitled: 'Global Refugee Work Rights Report 2014: Taking the Movement from Theory to Practice.' The report examines the laws, policies and practices pertaining to ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Asylum seekers stuck in Indonesia limbo

African asylum seekers bound for Australia but stuck in Indonesia


9 years ago


Jordan deports Sudanese asylum seekers

Jordan deports hundreds of Sudanese asylum seekers who were demonstrating outside the UN refugee agency's offices in Amman.


10 years ago


Court orders asylum seekers' return

The British home secretary must return a Nigerian asylum seeker and her son to the UK just months after ordering their removal, a court rules.


9 years ago


EMINA ERIMOVI :Fear and hope of asylum seekers in EU

If I could send a message to European leaders it would be this. Understand why people risk everything to reach Europe. Show them the same humanity being shown by ordinary citizens.


10 years ago


A Lawful Solution to Bad Law

A Lawful Solution to Bad Law
A very fruitful two-day meeting of "elders", including religious and political party leaders of political parties, was held in the middle of June, 2015, at the Mwalimu Nyerere International Convention Centre in Dar es Salaam. It had been convened by the Mwalimu ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Nkasi man jailed 18 months for escaping from lawful custody

Nkasi man jailed 18 months for escaping from lawful custody
Daily News
THE Nkasi District Magistrate's Court, yesterday slapped a Chala Village resident, Pius Jacob (19), with 18-month jail term for escaping lawful custody while he is facing other charges of raping and living with two minor siblings as his wives. The girls who are ...


11 years ago


Why Assembly is not entitled to overhaul Draft Constitution

>The commencement of the Constituent Assembly Sitting in Dodoma yesterday marks yet another milestone in the new constitution writing process.


10 years ago


HOMES & PROPERTY: What you’re entitled to from landlord as tenant

>The end of the year is approaching, so does the start of another year and new budgets. If you are a landlord or landlady then a smile lights up your face, but if you are a tenant, your head has started to spin. Most Tanzanians live in rental houses. As tenants do we all know our rights and what we should do in case we face problems with our landlords or landladies?


10 years ago


No asylum for Libyan cadets says PM

The Prime Minister David Cameron tells MPs no Libyan soldiers training in Cambridgeshire should be granted asylum in the UK.



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