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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


ATAF sponsors Tanzania tax experts to study in Germany

ATAF sponsors Tanzania tax experts to study in Germany
Three Tanzanian tax experts will benefit from a scholarship provided by the Africa Tax Administrating Forum (ATAF) to attend studies in Germany. The award will also be extended to 24 tax experts from other African countries. Speaking at the just ended 3rd ...
URA to represent EAC on continental tax councilThe Observer (blog)

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


High tax rates put Tanzania in bad position, warns study

Tanzania’s tax rates are among the highest in East Africa. The situation that puts the country at a disadvantageous position in terms of revenue payment, a new report says.


10 years ago


Experts fault tax bills ahead of Bunge debate

As Parliament pprepares to debate two tax-related bills later this month, experts have raised the alarm on some issues which they say need to be addressed before the proposals are passed.


10 years ago



 Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano, Bi Fazila (wa kwanza kushoto) akifuatiwa na Kamishna Mkuu wa TRA, Rished Bade,  na Mkurugenzi wa Huduma na Elimu, Richard Kayombo wakiwa meza kuu. Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano wa ATAF, Bi Fazila akiwa na Kamishina Mkuu wa TRA, Rished Bade.…


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—2

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—2  The Citizen Daily


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—1

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—1  The Citizen Daily


9 years ago


MANAGING TAX RISKS : Throwing light on tax planning opportunities for Tanzania firms

In our last article we noted that tax planning is an arrangement of one’s financial affairs in such a way that, without violating in any way the legal provisions, full advantage is taken of all tax exemptions, deductions, concessions, rebates, allowances and other reliefs or benefits permitted under the tax laws so that the burden of taxation on the taxpayer is reduced or minimised.


9 years ago


MANAGING TAX RISKS :Tax incentives offered in Tanzania

As discussed in the previous article investment tax incentives in Tanzania are offered to lead and priority sectors including agriculture, Air Aviation, Commercial buildings, Banks, Export oriented projects, Manufacturing, Natural Resources e.g. Timber, Beekeeping, Fisheries, Tourism and Tour Operations, Radio and Television Broadcasting, Transportation etc. In this article we look at tax incentives offered in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors.


5 years ago


Absa Bank Tanzania sponsors celebrated local golfer

Absa Bank Tanzania Managing Director, Abdi Mohamed hands over a box contains some golf sports gears and travelling documents to Tanzania renowned golf player, Victor Mbunda (left),on his mission as Tanzania’s flag-bearer in the coming Kenya Open Golf Championship to be staged at Karen Country Club in Nairobi, Kenya on date to be disclosed soon. Mbunda participation is full sponsored by Absa Tanzania. Right is ABT Head of Marketing and Corporate Relations, Aron Luhanga and others from second...


10 years ago

Tanzania Daima

TRA, ATAF kukutana Dar

MAKAMU wa Rais Dk. Mohammed Gharib Billal anatajiwa kufungua mkutano mkuu wa Taasisi za Kodi Afrika (ATAF) utakaanza Septemba 16 hadi 19 mwaka huu. Mkutano huo umeandaliwa na Mamlaka ya...



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