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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Attacks on women on the rise in the Isles, study says

>Rape, early pregnancy and early marriage have risen in Zanzibar at an alarming rate, a new survey has revealed.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

House clerk clarifies on Isles CA members pay rise

Daily News
House clerk clarifies on Isles CA members pay rise
Daily News
THE Zanzibar House of Representatives has clarified on reports that all members of Constituent Assembly from the Isles currently in Dodoma are receiving 420,000/- as daily allowance. Speaking to the 'Daily News on Saturday' on Friday, the Clerk of the ...


10 years ago

Daily News

More women graduate on Isles

Daily News
More women graduate on Isles
Daily News
PRESIDENT Ali Mohamed Shein happy with progress that has been achieved on gender equality as more women now graduate from universities. “We should be proud of these changes that have narrowed the gender gap in education,” said Dr Shein in h ...


9 years ago


Violence against women on the rise in Dodoma

About 33 per cent of women in Dodoma have experienced serious physical and psychological abuses and the figure has shown steady increase over the last 12 months, The Citizen can reveal.


10 years ago


COVER: The rise of independent and bold women

>She would be told to fill her mouth with water and keep it there whenever her husband attempted to pick a quarrel with her. The reasoning was that this would prevent her from answering back. She was told that a woman is, at all costs, submissive to her husband. That one of her primary roles as a wife was to cook for her husband and family members, all the time.


10 years ago

Daily News

Isles women challenged to exploit empowerment plans

Isles women challenged to exploit empowerment plans
Daily News
WOMEN have been challenged to exploit economic empowerment programmes so that no woman is left mired in abject poverty in the Isles. “Many women still face economic difficulties even in getting basic needs. It is possible to bring about change if we all ...


10 years ago


'Poor awareness of land laws denying Isles women rights'

'Poor awareness of land laws denying Isles women rights'
Lack of awareness on land usage and ownership laws and regulations is a major factor denying majority of women in Zanzibar their land rights. The concession was reached by lawyers from Zanzibar's Ministry of Lands, Housing, Water and Energy over the ...


11 years ago

Lancashire Telegraph

Women return to Tanzania with new qualifications after East Lancs study

Lancashire Telegraph
Women return to Tanzania with new qualifications after East Lancs study
Lancashire Telegraph
TWO orphans from Tanzania who have studied in East Lancashire are to return home to fulfill their dreams. Emmakulatha Bujik, 23, and Jesca Paulo, 24, studied at University Centre at Blackburn College as part of the Bethany Project, a Christian charity which ...


5 years ago


Fifa Women's Rankings: Ghana unmoved as Nigeria, South Africa rise

Fifa Women's Rankings: Ghana unmoved as Nigeria, South Africa rise  Goal.comView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago

Thomson Reuters Foundation

Attacks on elderly Tanzania women spark plan against witch hunters

Thomson Reuters Foundation
Attacks on elderly Tanzania women spark plan against witch hunters
Thomson Reuters Foundation
DAR ES SALAAM, April 16 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A rising number of attacks on elderly women in Tanzania accused of witchcraft has prompted the launch of a campaign to protect older women in the impoverished east African nation. Human rights ...
Attacks on elderly Tanzania women sparks plan against witch huntersThe Standard Digital News (satire) (press release)...



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