
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


House clerk clarifies on Isles CA members pay rise

Daily News
House clerk clarifies on Isles CA members pay rise
Daily News
THE Zanzibar House of Representatives has clarified on reports that all members of Constituent Assembly from the Isles currently in Dodoma are receiving 420,000/- as daily allowance. Speaking to the 'Daily News on Saturday' on Friday, the Clerk of the ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

CA members against excessive clerk powers

CA members against excessive clerk powers
Daily News
FOLLOWING the decision by the Constituent Assembly to bar the media from attending committee sessions, some members were against excessive powers of the Clerk to punish reporters going against ethics. Debating on section 77 of draft regulations on ...


9 years ago


East Africa: House Grants Leave to Two Members to Introduce Private Members' Bills

East Africa: House Grants Leave to Two Members to Introduce Private Members' Bills
Arusha — The Assembly has granted leave to two Members to introduce Private Members' Bills pursuant to article 59(1) of the Treaty and Rule 64 of the Rules of Procedure. Hon Margaret Nantongo Zziwa will move the EAC Whistleblowers Protection Bill, ...


11 years ago


Attacks on women on the rise in the Isles, study says

>Rape, early pregnancy and early marriage have risen in Zanzibar at an alarming rate, a new survey has revealed.


9 years ago


Can Kenya afford teachers' pay rise?

The BBC's Anne Soy looks at the ongoing dispute between Kenya's government and the country's teachers union over a 50% pay rise, which the government describes as unaffordable.


11 years ago


Lawmakers told no cash for pay rise

>The government has said the proposal to increase MPs’ salaries is “impossible” and advised those pushing for the idea to drop it because there is no money for “non-priorities”.


9 years ago


Kenya court orders teacher pay rise

Kenya's Supreme Court says that the government should abide by a lower court's decision to give teachers a pay rise of at least 50%.


9 years ago


Kenya court stops teachers' 60% pay rise

A Kenyan appeals court rejects a pay rise of up to 60% which had been awarded to the country's teachers by an industrial court and sparked a five-week strike.


9 years ago


A TEACHER'S DIARY :Delayed pay rise is affecting us

Since the government is yet to deposit to my account whatever the Supreme Court ordered them to deposit, I had not done much as regards the building of my permanent house by last weekend. Suleiman, the only expert mason this side of the Sahara, came to see me last Sunday to ask when we would begin.


11 years ago

Daily News

CA members propose Isles leader made union VP

Daily News
CA members propose Isles leader made union VP
Daily News
SOME members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have argued for a two-government union system but called for the reinstatement of the Zanzibar president as Union vice president. They argued that while the two-tier system was best suited for the ...
Zanzibar VP Hamad calls on CA to focus on national issuesIPPmedia

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