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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CA members propose Isles leader made union VP

Daily News
CA members propose Isles leader made union VP
Daily News
SOME members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have argued for a two-government union system but called for the reinstatement of the Zanzibar president as Union vice president. They argued that while the two-tier system was best suited for the ...
Zanzibar VP Hamad calls on CA to focus on national issuesIPPmedia

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Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


CA committee wants Z'bar leader made Union vice

Daily News
CA committee wants Z'bar leader made Union vice-president
Daily News
COMMITTEE number 11 of the Constituent Assembly (CA) has proposed the new constitution to pronounce president of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar as a vice-president of the United Republic of Tanzania. “Members of the committee, while ...


11 years ago

Daily News

House clerk clarifies on Isles CA members pay rise

Daily News
House clerk clarifies on Isles CA members pay rise
Daily News
THE Zanzibar House of Representatives has clarified on reports that all members of Constituent Assembly from the Isles currently in Dodoma are receiving 420,000/- as daily allowance. Speaking to the 'Daily News on Saturday' on Friday, the Clerk of the ...


11 years ago


3-tier union angers Isles CCM

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) members in the House of Representatives are intending to shoot down a proposal for Tanzania to have three governments as recommended in the second draft constitution, The Citizen on Sunday has learnt.


11 years ago


New union gets 1,035 members

The National Union of Mine and Energy Workers of Tanzania (NUMET) has registered 1,035 members since getting official registration in February, last year.


10 years ago


Zitto set to be made topmost leader of ACT

>A new political party associated with former Kigoma North MP Zitto Kabwe is preparing to make him its topmost leader ahead of the grand launch in Dar es Salaam tomorrow.


11 years ago


Isles extremism tarnishes country`s image, erodes the Union

Isles extremism tarnishes country`s image, erodes the Union
For the past three years Zanzibaris and Tanzanians in general have witnessed the occurrence of abnormal incidents in the Isles whereby unknown people have targeted certain individuals either with firearms or acid. Going by the records it would be recalled ...


11 years ago


Isles constitutional amends won't kill Union, says VP Iddi

Isles constitutional amends won't kill Union, says VP Iddi
The constitutional amendments in Zanzibar won't kill the Union with the Mainland, nor are they meant to grant autonomy to the Isles, Second Vice-President Seif Ali Iddi has said. The VP expressed concern over comments by some members of the Constituent ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Articles of Union to be shown to CA members in Dodoma

Daily News
Articles of Union to be shown to CA members in Dodoma
Daily News
THE Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, said that he received from the State House a copy of Articles of Union signed by the Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and the first President of Zanzibar, Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume. He told journalists in ...
Articles of Union in House todayIPPmedia

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11 years ago


CA members given certified copies of Articles of Union

CA members given certified copies of Articles of Union
The government yesterday presented to the Constituent Assembly a certified copy of what it said were original Articles of Union demanded by some members questioning the legitimacy of the Union. Some CA members have been claiming that the articles ...



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