
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Banks urged to insure loans

Commercial banks have been advised to use insurance to cover entrepreneurship loans and do away with security demand to reach more borrowers.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Boost dairy industry with affordable loans, minister tells banks

>Livestock and Fisheries Development minister Titus Kamani has called upon financial institutions to help the sector with loans that can help turnaround pastoralists’ incomes.


10 years ago


Borrowers suffer as banks reject title deeds to give loans

>Banks and property owners are bearing the brunt of the raging dispute between Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu and the National Land Commission.


11 years ago


Plan before seeking loans, Moro residents urged

Mindu Ward residents have been advised to set plans and business strategies before applying for loans.


10 years ago


Youth, men urged to join village community banks.

Youth, men urged to join village community banks.
Villagers in Kisanga, Pawaga division, Iringa Region, have asked the government to cultivate a habit of training elected leaders before they assume office to improve efficiency in executing their duties. They said many leaders do not know their roles and ...


10 years ago


Insure your homes now, firm advises Tanzanians

>Private home insurance is a new thing in Tanzania yet some real estate players believe a protecting property against risks like fire, theft and some weather and unpredictable disasters is the best way to create a stable population.


10 years ago


Insure with us, NIC urges state entities

>National Insurance Corporation (NIC) has appealed to government and public institutions to use it as their insurer in order to keep it solvent.


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt to help TBA get loans

Govt to help TBA get loans
Daily News
THE government has pledged to guarantee Tanzania Building Agency (TBA) to enable it obtain loans from financial institutions and capacitate the agency for it to build more houses. Minister for Works, Dr John Magufuli, has said that his ministry is also in ...


11 years ago


Excitement over loans through mobile phones

Excitement is growing following reports that mobile phone subscribers may soon be able to borrow money through their phones and avoid the bureaucracy and stringent conditions associated with bank loans.


11 years ago


Pessimism high over loans from new bank

Farming stakeholders have reservations about the government plans to instruct the Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB) to channel loans to savings and credit cooperative societies (Saccos).



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