
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Youth, men urged to join village community banks.

Youth, men urged to join village community banks.
Villagers in Kisanga, Pawaga division, Iringa Region, have asked the government to cultivate a habit of training elected leaders before they assume office to improve efficiency in executing their duties. They said many leaders do not know their roles and ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

'Community banks need close support'

Daily News
'Community banks need close support'
Daily News
THE government has challenged district councils, municipals and city councils to consider putting in place community banks in their areas. The Deputy Minister for Finance, Mr Mwigulu Nchemba also called for readiness among residents in those areas in a ...


10 years ago


Sh2bn is the start-up capital for community banks: BoT

>The Bank of Tanzania (BoT) has insisted that the start-up core capital for a community bank will strictly be Sh2billion by 2017 and that banks which could not adhere to the procedure would be in trouble.


11 years ago


Invest oil, natural gas money in community banks

Deposits of materials like oil and natural gas are a valuable heritage of all generations in the countries owning them.


10 years ago


Men too lazy to participate in community cooperatives

Men too lazy to participate in community cooperatives - VICOBA
Men have been advised strongly to participate in village cooperatives (VICOBA) so as to bring about multiple changes in development progress. Almost 80 percent of VICOBA members all over the country are women and only 20 percent are men, a figure that ...


9 years ago


Banks urged to insure loans

Commercial banks have been advised to use insurance to cover entrepreneurship loans and do away with security demand to reach more borrowers.


11 years ago


Enable youth to get agriculture inputs: banks

 Community banks are calling for a range of measures to support youth employment in business and agriculture. That can be done by enabling them to access inputs


10 years ago


Why youth join terror groups

Why youth join terror groups
Local politicians, clergy and academicians have expressed mixed opinions over major motives behind worldwide terrorism and the ongoing trend of the local youth recruitment in terror groups, not completely ruling out religious doctrine as source of the ...


9 years ago

Daily News

Artistes urged to join NHIF

Artistes urged to join NHIF
Daily News
ARTISTES in the country have been urged to join National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to help them and their families to access health services whenever in need. The call was made in Dar es Salaam yesterday by NHIF Acting Director General, Michael ...


9 years ago


MEN'S CORNER: At village grocery, bro pops in ‘accidentally’

After a busy day on the hillsides of Mount Kamwala, a man deserves a drink, doesn’t he? Yes, he does. So younger bro Teshanya suggests you go to Sammy’s (our people call the “grocery” Kwa Thami), a joint famous for “nyama rosti” and “kuku choma”.



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