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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Better urban planning vital for the future

Better urban planning vital for the future
Daily News
AS the Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, said in Dar es Salaam on Monday when officiating at a capacity building workshop for civic leaders and district executive directors, it is indeed true that better planning is vital for urban growth. Urban planning (urban ...
Better Planning Vital for Urban Growth, Says

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Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


African mayors meet over urban planning

>Over 50 mayors, urban planners and technical experts from 25 cities around the world have gathered in Dar es Salaam to “think outside their boundary” and share experiences on managing rapid urban expansion through metropolitan planning.


11 years ago


Support our efforts in urban planning, JK requests China

Chinese government is set to assist Tanzania’s efforts in urban planning and development projects.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Urban planning experts have their work cut out

>The population explosion in Tanzania’s urban areas presents  a challenge that should be addressed now instead of the relevant authorities waiting until things get out of hand.


10 years ago


Correct data vital for quality education planning, delivery

Correct data vital for quality education planning, delivery
Sometimes in March, 2011, it was reported in one local newspaper in Tanzania that Humphrey Moshi, an Economics Professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, said that “the Government's economic assessment data are not pragmatic and are not informed ...


10 years ago


Migration data collection vital in national development planning

Migration data collection vital in national development planning
The data of Tanzanians in Diaspora has to be well collected, managed and controlled so as to ensure that they contribute more and more in the country's income. The recent statistics released by the World Bank shows that Tanzanians in Diaspora contribute ...


11 years ago


Is TZ planning for future success?

The Columbian coach, Jose Pekerman, was spot on when he told the international media that the quarter final match between his team and Brazil blocked the two teams’ stars from displaying their abilities in the game.


11 years ago


Africa’s future has big bearing on mankind’s future

A good future for mankind depends in no small part on the future of Africa, and the future of Africa depends in no small part on whether this continent will succeed to offer jobs and perspectives to its fast-growing youth population, and the future of jobs in this region will highly depend on a healthy, thriving and inclusive private sector.


11 years ago


Strengthen planning systems

Physical planning has been a major challenge for our local authorities for many years. Due to the rise in the population and more economic activities, the demand for housing and land has risen tremendously.


11 years ago


Getting the right family planning method

>Jael Lieta, 28, first heard of family planning from a friend who advised her to go for it immediately after she had her first child, now aged 12.



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