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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Support our efforts in urban planning, JK requests China

Chinese government is set to assist Tanzania’s efforts in urban planning and development projects.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Better urban planning vital for the future

Better urban planning vital for the future
Daily News
AS the Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, said in Dar es Salaam on Monday when officiating at a capacity building workshop for civic leaders and district executive directors, it is indeed true that better planning is vital for urban growth. Urban planning (urban ...
Better Planning Vital for Urban Growth, Says

all 2


10 years ago


African mayors meet over urban planning

>Over 50 mayors, urban planners and technical experts from 25 cities around the world have gathered in Dar es Salaam to “think outside their boundary” and share experiences on managing rapid urban expansion through metropolitan planning.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Urban planning experts have their work cut out

>The population explosion in Tanzania’s urban areas presents  a challenge that should be addressed now instead of the relevant authorities waiting until things get out of hand.


11 years ago


Govt Efforts in Curbing Poaching Need Support

Daily News
Govt Efforts in Curbing Poaching Need Support
CONTROL over indiscriminate killing of elephants and rhinos and ivory trafficking has now caught the imagination of the international community more intensely than ever before. The international community this week held a session in London for a major ...
Former Tourism Minister's comments not fit for printeTurboNews
Tanzania slams British newspaper over elephant poaching claimsCoastweek
To sell or not to sell elephant...


11 years ago

Daily News

Efforts to restore lost education glory need support

Efforts to restore lost education glory need support
Daily News
POSITIVE indicators for major transformation of the education sector in the country have been seen as the government announces new plans to train highly qualified secondary school finalists. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has unveiled ...


11 years ago


WWF hands over Infrastructure to support Local Communities efforts in WMAs’ management

Mr. Lucason Maiga, representing the WWF TZ Country Director signing transfer documents of the cash for work infrastructure handover ceremony at Ipole WMA in April 2014. Mr. Lucason Maiga handing over the signed Ipole WMA infrastacture documents to JUHIWAI Chairperson, Mr. Reuben Kasanda, witnessed by the Sikonge DC, Mrs. Hanifa Selengu. Sikonge DC, Mrs. Hanifa Selengu tasting water pumped from water borehole at Ipole WMA, Tabora. The water pump installation was part of the...


9 years ago


China’s peacekeeping efforts critical to peace in Africa

Uganda’s military chief has welcomed commitments made by Chinese President Xi Jinping to boost military support to Africa and the UN peacekeeping efforts.


11 years ago

Daily News

China pledges support for Zanzibar

Daily News
China pledges support for Zanzibar
Daily News
VICE-PRESIDENT LI Yuanchao of China has reiterated his country's commitment in supporting social and economic development projects in Tanzania and other African countries. He emphasized that his country was keen on supporting Zanzibar. “We are ...


9 years ago


JPM appeals for more China support

President John Magufuli yesterday appealed to China to continue assisting Tanzania in improving the economy and trade to enable the country bring development to its people.



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