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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Efforts to restore lost education glory need support

Efforts to restore lost education glory need support
Daily News
POSITIVE indicators for major transformation of the education sector in the country have been seen as the government announces new plans to train highly qualified secondary school finalists. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training has unveiled ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Cooperatives to Recapture lost glory

Cooperatives to Recapture lost glory
Cooperatives have been an important part of economic development in Tanzania for over 82 years. Though faced with serious challenges, no other institution has brought so many people together for a common cause like the cooperative societies. Following ...


9 years ago

Daily News

Arusha lost its glory under Chadema, rally told

Arusha lost its glory under Chadema, rally told
Daily News
CHAOS that have been engineered or occurred during a number of opposition events in Arusha city have caused six deaths, left behind four widows, innumerable injuries and over 40 permanent cripples. This was revealed by the former opposition event ...


11 years ago


Govt Efforts in Curbing Poaching Need Support

Daily News
Govt Efforts in Curbing Poaching Need Support
CONTROL over indiscriminate killing of elephants and rhinos and ivory trafficking has now caught the imagination of the international community more intensely than ever before. The international community this week held a session in London for a major ...
Former Tourism Minister's comments not fit for printeTurboNews
Tanzania slams British newspaper over elephant poaching claimsCoastweek
To sell or not to sell elephant...


11 years ago


Support our efforts in urban planning, JK requests China

Chinese government is set to assist Tanzania’s efforts in urban planning and development projects.


10 years ago

Daily News

Report hails Dar education efforts

Report hails Dar education efforts
Daily News
THE 2014 Africa Prosperity Report has hailed Tanzania's efforts to increase school enrolment that has given more children access to education. It has, however, urged that the increase in school enrolment should go hand in hand with the quality of education.
Tanzania On Track to Achieve Upe

all 2


10 years ago


From 'Lost Boy' to education minister in South Sudan

From 'Lost Boy' to education minister in South Sudan


11 years ago


WWF hands over Infrastructure to support Local Communities efforts in WMAs’ management

Mr. Lucason Maiga, representing the WWF TZ Country Director signing transfer documents of the cash for work infrastructure handover ceremony at Ipole WMA in April 2014. Mr. Lucason Maiga handing over the signed Ipole WMA infrastacture documents to JUHIWAI Chairperson, Mr. Reuben Kasanda, witnessed by the Sikonge DC, Mrs. Hanifa Selengu. Sikonge DC, Mrs. Hanifa Selengu tasting water pumped from water borehole at Ipole WMA, Tabora. The water pump installation was part of the...


11 years ago


Salma hails govt efforts in girls' education, health

Salma hails govt efforts in girls' education, health
Foreground: First Lady Salma Kikwete (2nd-L); Asha Bilal (3rd-L), wife of Vice President Dr Gharib Bilal; former first lady Anna Mkapa (R), with other dignitaries at State House grounds in Dsm. First Lady and Women and Development Foundation (WAMA) ...


11 years ago


Africa’s education efforts are shifting in order to reflect ICT growth

>In today’s society, everyone is computer literate . The need for everyone to understand and learn programming is becoming more and more apparent. Today’s children live in a very different world than their parents did. Today’s world is full of web-based services like YouTube, Facebook, Whatssap etc and all of these are key part of childrens’ daily lives.



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