
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Beware of hashtags, dear politicians!

Talk about freedom is everywhere. Unlike the struggle against colonial powers, this is about freedom of speech. But, this new found freedom comes with responsibility.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Dr Mokiwa: Beware of dishonest politicians

Daily News
Dr Mokiwa: Beware of dishonest politicians
The Anglican Archbishop of the Diocese of Dar es Salaam yesterday warned Tanzanians to beware of dishonest politicians hungry for power, who make many promises that they never fulfill. Dr Valentine Mokiwa said such politicians often lure the public into ...
Church to mark 50th anniversaryDaily News

all 2


10 years ago


Clerics beware crooked politicians eyeing power

We are fast approaching October 25 when the Tanzanian electorate will speak with their voter card and elect leaders at the civic, parliamentary and the presidential levels. These will be men and women in whose hands we shall place our destiny, at least for the next five years. Maligned as politicians generally, these are important people, for to all intents and purposes, they will be our rulers.


11 years ago


Beware pre-election gift-bearing politicians

The working class of Ancient Rome, plebeians, had no real political power or influence as individuals, but as a group they were a force to be reckoned with.


10 years ago

Daily News

Beware of politicians spreading lies about govt, Wasira cautions

Daily News
Beware of politicians spreading lies about govt, Wasira cautions
Daily News
MINISTER of State in the President's Office (Social Relations and Coordination), Mr Stephen Wasira, has cautioned Tanzanians against lying politicians who go about misleading them about the government's performance record. He said Tanzanians should ...


10 years ago


Beware the results craze!

In his 1976 book, The Diploma Disease: Education, Qualification and Development, Ronald Dore--quoting T.H. Huxley from a century earlier--reminds us: “Examination is a good servant but a bad master.”


10 years ago


Beware illegal immigrants, DC warns.

Beware illegal immigrants, DC warns.
Biharamulo district commissioner Elias Tarimo has barred local people in the district from accommodating illegal immigrants to avoid inviting people with ulterior motives in the country. Tarimo, the newly appointed DC, warned councillors at the full council ...


11 years ago


Pistorius trial: Beware certainties

Andrew Harding on twists and turns ahead in Pistorius trial


11 years ago


Beware those who invoke Nyerere’s name dubiously!

That Tanzania is in dire need of a new Mother Law is beyond debate. The essential debate is on what kind of Mother Law the country needs to come up with in the context of the on-going process which is at the level of the Second Draft, once this document is exhaustively discussed by the Members of the Constituent Assembly (MCAs) and thereafter subjected to a referendum.


9 years ago


Magufuli: Beware of illegal migrants

CCM’s presidential candidate, Dr John Magufuli, has warned people in Kigoma against providing shelter to illegal immigrants, saying this could cause serious security problems.



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