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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Beware the results craze!

In his 1976 book, The Diploma Disease: Education, Qualification and Development, Ronald Dore--quoting T.H. Huxley from a century earlier--reminds us: “Examination is a good servant but a bad master.”


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


VIDEO: The craze for golf course estates

Anne Soy reports on the Kenyan craze for residential estates built around golf courses.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: We need to rid ourselves of higher education craze

>In pre-market economy Tanzania, education system was guided by Education for Self-Reliance, the policy tailored by Tanu (and CCM after 1977). The guiding principle was that education should be geared at nurturing individuals able to apply what they learn in school or college.


10 years ago


Big Results Now rings in spectacular exam results

Zanzibar. Some 98.87 per cent of Form Six finalists who sat their national examinations earlier in the year have passed, the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (Necta) announced here yesterday.


11 years ago

Daily News

Students' gambling craze worries parents, schools

Students' gambling craze worries parents, schools
Daily News
THE mushrooming of betting kiosks in urban areas in the country is worrying parents, guardians and school administrators as students take to gambling with zeal. In a survey conducted recently by the 'Sunday News,' the general consensus among the ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Need to probe essence of the ‘pre-form one’ craze

>Youngsters who sat the National Standard 7 exams in early September are still waiting for the results. It means they are not certain yet about their fate. However, already there are widespread activities meant, ostensibly, to prepare them for Form One entry in January. We are talking about academic preparations in the form of the so-called pre-Form One training.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Beware of fish from sewerage ponds

Beware of fish from sewerage ponds  The Citizen Daily


10 years ago


Beware of hashtags, dear politicians!

Talk about freedom is everywhere. Unlike the struggle against colonial powers, this is about freedom of speech. But, this new found freedom comes with responsibility.


11 years ago


Pistorius trial: Beware certainties

Andrew Harding on twists and turns ahead in Pistorius trial


9 years ago



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